I have a lot of regrets about Raid Finder for WoW. I am sure I worked on features that were much, much worse, but that’s the first one that came to mind.
To be clear, the goal of getting more players into raiding is a good one. But the way Raid Finder turned out removed, IMO anyway, a lot of the epicness of what made raiding raiding. I also haven’t played WoW in a few years, so it’s entirely possible they have solved the problem by now
Are we gonna keep doing this all night?
I got it ready on ctrl+v
I mean this guy doing LFR with 9000 ping is essentially just watching other people do the raid because he literally can’t do anything. Is there really a difference?
I don’t care about people doing content they want.
I care about this argument about LFR being good or bad for the game and the point I responded to about LFR being there to gear characters.
LFR was intended to be a way for non-raiders (casuals, people with bad computers, social anxiety, what ever) to see what the raid and bosses looked like. That’s how the content was pitched back in 4.3, not as some gearing mechanism for players.
In current content LFR gives 340 gear, the same ilv gear you get from Warfronts and M0. Of the choices M0 and Warfronts are easier and faster than LFR. So why does LFR give loot if not to incentivse people who wouldn’t otherwise do LFR?
Remove the incentive and only the people that care to see the content would actually do LFR.
I don’t raid, nice of you to type-cast me as some horrible person that you can lay your troubles with others on. <3
AGAIN, son…I AM NOT the one bashing LFR…YOU are.
ALL of the burden of proof is on YOU since YOU are the one making the argument that something is harming the game or should be changed.
I thought you claimed to be a master debater?
I ONLY have LFR on my main Wow account. And your point would be what to that statement? That Im …playing LFR and NOT bashing it?
LOL, you don’t raid, you just have come up with a plan to completely remove LFR from the game by removing all reward.
What part of the game DO you play? How about if they removed all rewards from that part of the game, since you think people who play the game don’t deserve rewards and should be discouraged from participating?
Do you think the game should exist or don’t you? It sure sounds like the answer is “no”.
There is no burden of proof.
The debate is if it’s good or bad.
Both sides have to provide valid arguments.
Again you’ve done nothing but use CAPS LOCK,rage,name call and armory snipe.
What makes you think you can jidge me based on my character? I’ve been in heroic raids before,therefore I know both sides of the argument.
You,on the other hand,clearly know nothing.
Also I’ve claimed nothing.
Maybe try crawling first, perhaps after you can walk.
You are presuming that because I have bursts of latency that are 9k that I would be at a constant state of 9k in raid.
I don’t queue if my latency is over 100ms. When my latency is normal, it’s at 54ms or something.
If the lag storm does come, my game will lock up for maybe 10 seconds before it eases up, I might deal with 5-10 minutes of lag before it goes back down. I can usually do my job at 4k, and avoid standing in the bad even when others without lag can’t.
Jc, not this stuff again… lfr is not going anywhere… not all of us want to join a guild where we are told how we should play the game. This is also why I do not miss vanilla…
The game seemed just fine before LFR was added. Not sure why you guys keep making this argument when if we just look back we can find examples of a healthy WoW without LFR.
Sorry but LFR is awesome dungeon finder is awesome their all great
When I just want to do a raid or dungeon with no hassle I can use either of these 2 tools and just have a blast without the effort!!!
And I am casual as hell now just cant stay on for long in game so tired of Wow at moment since I burned out. Dosent help the grind is massive if only they would make it so heart of azeroth level carries over to all toons I would appreciate that.
How does removeing the reward from LFR remove LFR?
Transmog and alt-questing.
I wouldn’t do them because I wouldn’t be incentivised to.
Removing the rewards from LFR doens’t discourage the people who are there to see the story in the raid or the cool new bosses.
It’s fun and I’m having fun in it, so it’s cool-beans by me.
The answer sounds more like ‘people that don’t want more out of content then shiny new purples shouldn’t be doing LFR when Warfronts and M0 are faster and eaisier to do’.
The problem is that players are in LFR for reasons that arne’t seeing the new raid. They are there to get loot, afk through bosses, get Azerite, or any other reward tnat isn’t seeing the instance.
Again, remove the rewards and you will be amazed at how many players want to see the content.