Lfr is bad for the game

GC has no authority.
You’re a bad dance partner too,although you’re trying well though!

elistists controlling who gets to see end game content…causing sub hemorrhaging…then the loss of all raiding.
Id love every second of it, quite frankly.
I love seeing short sighted people getting exactly what they didnt ask for but was an inevitability of their own childishness.


Subs are hemmorrhaging right now.
I’m sure it’s nice to be delusional.
Wish I could be ignorant too.

Patch 4.2?

That was… Cataclysm. Cataclysm was often heralded as one of the worst expansions in the history of Warcraft prior to WoD and BfA. They had an incredible number of people quit in Cataclysm, including myself after the first week or so of raiding. I only came back 9 months later when they introduced Transmog because the idea of running dungeons in Judgment entertained me at the time.

Cataclysm had a number of features which were also stripped out since then, such as the ability to run 7 dungeons a week and get tokens for ‘welfare epics’ and such pretty quickly, which was then eventually replaced by forced daily grinds.


and you have yet to PROVE that LFR has a frikking thing to do with sub losses.
Show us even TWO percent of quitters SAYING they quit over LFR.
I can wait…


I think they were being sarcastic and saying that the game without LFR would look like the game before LFR was introduced.

LFR came into the game in 4.3 Dragonsoul.


You are citing GC because he was a developer creator and claiming that his viewpoint is still valid and credible.

He, as a former Blizzard employee, either is credible or he isn’t. If he is, then are the opinions of other Blizzard employees, likely coming from higher up, also valid? Either they’re all valid, or none of them are valid. You don’t get to pick and choose.

Yes but I must analyze what their ideal game without LFR would look like. Cataclysm was pretty rubbish. Why did they choose 4.3 instead of a patch in Wrath before the 5 man dungeon queuing system was introduced along with the new dungeons that provided gear better than normal ICC? I’d say that feature largely removed ‘community responsibility’ as well.


Cata is my 2nd favorite expansion. Everyone has different opinions on what they enjoy.

Because you asked what the game would look like without LFR. The response was literal, the game would look like patch 4.2 Firelands.

I dought their conception of an idealized game could ever exist.

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I do get to pick and choose. Based on their status and involvement with the feature
Bashiok was merely a messanger(CM).
GC was a developer.
To say a cm and dev are on equal levels is pretty dumb of you.

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Progression for 99% of players has nothing to do with lording it over others. That’s basically only true for the anti-LFR elitists. There’s a reason why RPG mechanics like leveling systems have been introduced into almost every genre by now, even when they don’t allow you to steamroll content.

Notice how none of these people ever offer an alternative. They say it’s important to bring more people into raiding, but they never offer any way to do that. When you ask them they only ever refer to the old systems that didn’t work.

Ghostcrawler said he wanted more people to raid. But he didn’t. He loved having the ability to lord content over people who didn’t get it. He also liked the idea of the Scarab Lord, and giving one person on a server a reward no one else would ever be able to get. Exclusivity and elitism were his favorite part of the game.


Neither work for blizzard anymore. Both were speaking in an official capacity at one point. In the end, we know that Blizzard kept LFR. You either get to accept both or not.

Picking and choosing is a fallacy known as cherrypicking–suppressing evidence.

I’d like to see newer quotes that state that LFR has harmed the game. I’d also like to know what you people define as harm, and how it’s caused harm.

By the way, calling people dumb is a personal attack. Not only is it a logical fallacy but it’s also against the code of conduct.

Clearly we need to get gud and pug or somehow fix our schedules to support 9-12 hours of raiding a week. Fix our connections even when there are no other alternatives, etc.

Let me just drop out of engineering school and get a T1 line run out to my house because satellite and DSL don’t cut it. I don’t need a degree and a sweet software engineering job. I need to get me some normal mode raiding. /s


My guild raids 5 hours a week and we are 7/8 mythic. Most of us are 25+ and have full time jobs and families. I probably play WoW less than most on this thread who do LFR, you just have to be efficient with your time.

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Could the average undergeared LFR player, or someone who has been retired from raiding and randomly has bursts of 9k latency even get into a core raiding position in your guild?


This. I only LFR on my alts nowadays but before there was any lfr i never raided. LFR got me doing my first raids which made me start thinking i culd do normal which i did in legion and now ive started doing heroic. So i have nothing but praise for lfr the way it has worked out for me.


How is this even possible? You can get 375 item level without even going in a raid or dungeon, how can anyone be undergeared at this point?

Also a better question to you would be: would you be comfortable wasting 19 of your teammates time because of your bad internet?

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There is no picking and choosing.
They had clear levels of involvement with the feature which was ONLY GC.
You’re trying to derail with definitions of fallacies while actually failing at logic yourself.

Again,you tried to dance,but you failed.

Hmm I think that question you just asked him proves why LFR is a good thing. Hmm think I will download fortnite and try that, since so many in this game hate casuals. I like it, I guess I will stick with that instead of WoW.


I think LFR is fine. It’s really good for practice.


LFR is fine in my opinion.

Warforging and\or Titanforging and warfronts are the real problem in my opinion. It is weird going into a warfront and getting mythic level gear without really doing the work. I am tired of getting raid rocks in raids and go into a warfront and getting guaranteed gear. It really is throwing progression off. I don’t mythic raid but I am sure those who do have to be scratching their heads when they can get gear close to ilevel in a warfront. It just does not make sense.

Gear only matters for the content you are doing.

If you are great enough to not be stuck at Normal, LFR, or M0 keys you can get into 370+ and start downing Mythic bosses. The problem is that most LFR players aren’t actually good at what they are doing, at least not good enough to get +10 keys done at 350 like the Mythic raiders did.

The gear you are rewarded scales to the content you clear now.