MY transmog is more inportant than whatever you need it for.
That’s actually a pass option that devs don’t want anyone to know about, the majority of the player base has already figured out.
We both pay the samw price for the same access to the same things in game.
Your “need” of an item does not take precedence over my “need”.
They are exactly the same.
Well, that is your opinion on this… I stand by what I said. If you can’t control yourself from being a NINJA, that is your prerogative. My view on people like you is pretty firm.
pressing need on loot drops isnt what being a ninja is.
Its not an opinion. The game sees us as equals regardless of what you stand on.
Yes, it is 100% an opinion.
You’re a ninja.
Do you have a solid definition?
And youre entitled,items%20dropped%20in%20some%20way.
Blue post
and you’re a toxic ninja, I can deal with that exchange.
Nope. I participated in the fight. Im eligible for the loot right alongside anyone else who participated.
Your opinion on who deserves what doesnt change that fact
Simple, because need=greed. Its always been that way.
System isnt disgusting. It is working as intended. I mean look it would be nice if I didnt need it for the sole purpose of wearing it, but it doesn’t mean you are entitled to it either. Some people will offer it up some won’t.
reading comprehension issues? I was VERY clear here…
final answer is…I WILL click NEED if I NEED the mog…you dont really have any say in the matter.
If you don’t want to waste limited catalyst charges on transmog sure. But why use them when I can run LFR and get them instead. Besides it doesn’t cover all of the items that are not part of the tier look such as off set pieces from other classes.
I would roll transmog but even at the end of the season it rarely goes to those rolls as people are gearing up alts etc. I’m there so I get to roll. If there are enough complaints perhaps Bliz will do something about it but than you won’t get over geared players carrying groups. And judging from day one when some groups where getting 10 stacks of determination on the second boss people really do need someone experienced and leading the party.
But shoot yourself in the foot because its a quick upgrade you will replace in a matter of days.
I’d also like to point out at this point in the gear process it might be an upgrade because of stat weights, track or just a bis trinket.
Cool, then I guess no-one will be mad when I DE the stuff they were after. I really need the mats, my enchanting won’t level itself you see.
NOW you are starting to annoy me son.
I put in the time same as YOU…YOur gear means NOTHING to me…MY MOG does.
its THAT simple.
stealing…lmao…PATHETIC kiddie psyche crap…more like YOU are ENTITLED and think the game OWES you something lmao.
I need the mog…I’ll roll NEED…PERIOD…your overly entitle attitude is irrelevant
HUGE eye roll here, lmao.
its a video game…maybe youre taking it too seriously now son and should take a long break to get your priorities in order
You get to roll on it as I do and if you win it you can do whatever you want with it. Why would you think that would irritate transmog collectors. We lose the roll on items far more often than winning them and honestly I never even bother looking to see what people do with them. For all I know they trade it to their friends.
In fact even if you DE it I benefit as its more mats on the market and helps drop enchanting prices.
and you an entitled whiner who thinks the game and its playerbase OWES you anything
My suggestion is: don’t look at the gear of people who win a roll in a raid. You’ll save yourself a whole lot of angst that way.