LFR - if you have better, why roll Need?

Well if it’s rings or neck or even a trinket, Ilvl doesn’t really apply to those as much, a crappy high level trinket could lose out to a lower level one.

Same with rings/necks, a lower level one with your best stats will beat out a higher one with garbage stats.

The fact this has almost 3x more likes than OP should tell anyone all they need to know about retail.

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Yea que’d systems should be strictly PL… far less drama that way.


i mean, the fact remains. with personal loot from shadowlands i have personally seen never walking out of a raid empty handed nor my wife. we always got something and sometimes would get 2-3 items from the entire raid run.

on the other side of the table with group loot. there are many times we did raid finder on an alt and walked out of that raid with nothing. meanwhile on multiple occasions, witnessing a single person win 3 items from 1 boss.

but for us personally, we could care less. we just go in on our alts when we are bored. but the fact remains that in random pug group content, personal loot should be the staple. it offers a more even distribution and nobody will ever see more than 1 piece from a single boss kill.

Run normal as an incentive for better loot rules.

Anyone can roll need for whatever reason they see fit. Be it to sell for gold or for transmog, disenchant etc.

Why does the game let you roll need if you have better?

LFR gear is trash, why do you care? It’s on the same track as heroic dungeons, and you can just use Valor to upgrade those pieces.

With how common the ilvl in LFR is, an Xmog roll is just as valid of a need roll as yours. I’d agree with you in like Heroic or Mythic, but LFR and Normal gear is hella common.

Because the need roll only checks if you have previously acquired the exact same item at a higher ilvl. If they made it item agnostic and only checked what ilvl you’ve acquired in that slot previously regardless of what that item was, then you would suddenly see a whole bunch of people get screwed out of drops that are statistically far more powerful for them (e.g. imagine getting screwed out of your BiS because of a world quest). There are also exceptions built into the system for classes that can dual wield (for obvious reasons).

because i NEED the mog still and want to get it.
sorry friend, but ilvl comes and goes…transmog is forever.
you’d have gotten that piece and gotten something new in a week.
and the game scales anyway…not gonna be life and death without it.

A need roll is also valid if people have equipped an item with wrong stats. Or they roll for a BiS trinket, where LFR track can outperform NHC/HC trinkets if you have the “wrong” trinket.

lmao…no…it shouldnt.
gear doesnt matter to you. You’ll trade this new piece of in a few days when you get something else. lol.
My mog collection lasts until the servers go down.

if anything should come last, its ilvl.

because i can prioritize myself and get the sweet mog, lfr is nameless drones to me that i won’t think about
that’s just my mindset anyways, but

if there was an alternative option where appearances (like just the cosmetics, not the actual item) would also drop and it was locked exclusively to transmog and barred people with those appearances unlocked, i’d use that instead of screwing people out of loot
or a vendor with lil lfr tokens to unlock the cosmetics
i’d use that too

Well, you’re entitled to feel that way. I feel a gear upgrade should ALWAYS take precedent over tmgs, enchant mats, etc etc.

lmao…how did you get screwed?
I get screwed when I miss out on a mog I need to complete a set.

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so WHO decides if YOUR ‘need’ is greater than mine? you? blizzard? referee? lol
Fact is if I need the mog, Im hitting Need if thats gonna get it for me.

as I said…you will toss that piece in the trash in a few days when you get another drop.
And I might have to farm for months or even years to get another chance at that transmog

I do this when i know i shouldnt, but it allows me to itemize stats better. There would be a fix but for some reason Reforging was outlawed and declared taboo.

Same question goes to you, you’re needing on something you aren’t going to use and what I feel most people feel, is that’s NOT a need situation.

Transmog doesn’t make you stronger, faster or better… it isn’t a need, you can throw any argument you want at that.

Honestly the best system would be “silent personal loot”.

So hidden rolls, like the old PL, but no loot distributed during the raid, or any indication of who “won” loot on a given boss. All loot gets distributed to the “winning” players’ mailboxes 1 hour after the raid disbands, and is not trackable.

That addresses the different understandings of need, the toxicity inherent in all of the systems, the needless drama, and so on, in the best way.

Blizzard likely won’t do something like that (although they easily could … the meta under PL was for people to force Blizzard to send to their mailbox anyway), but it would be the option that avoids the drama, and the disagreement about what “need” means, while giving an equal RNG chance to win loot by means of hidden rolls.

Less is more when it comes to transparency here, because transparency is precisely what leads to drama.

We pay the same $15 a month. Your “need” is no more important than mine.

We both participated, we both get equal chance at loot

What does you paying your subscription fee have to do with an item being needed in a game, if you can’t control yourself and feel the need to STEAL/NINJA items from others because it’s a slightly lesser shade of blue… then that’s up to you, but that doesn’t change my view of it being something that is incredibly toxic and shameful.