Hmmm, like what? I mean outside of whether or not you can equip it, what are the restrictions? Because i have been watching people with better gear and higher ilvl items in a given slot, still rolling need on an item in LFR even though they have a higher item in that slot. Its been happening the entire DF expansion. So tell me what restrictions are that make it fair… ill wait.
It’s fair because it is a dice roll. It favors newer characters because it doesn’t allow you to roll need if you have the same or better of the item tbat drops or the converted item for the tier tokens. In those cases, the highest you can roll is transmog if you don’t have the appearance, or greed if you do have the appearance.
I’m a warrior. I need gold just as much as the mage needs the cloth bracers for the stat upgrade, so why can’t I roll need on it, according to your logic?
I need the boss drop to shard for my enchanter just as much as the other person needs it to upgrade their low level weapon they’ve been using for a long time, so why can’t I roll need on it, according to your logic?
Why are there even multiple types of rolls on drops? Shouldn’t there just be one button for people to click if they want something for any reason? Why are there even rolls? Shouldn’t everyone just be able to loot the corpse and whoever gets it first gets it?
Because you are not eligible to roll need. You do not meet the criteria of that roll, which is that it
- Is on the drop table for your spec and class
- Is not an item you have equal or better of
- You participated in the boss kill and are eligible to loot
This same list applies several times throughout this post.
For professions, it’s only need eligible for your profession and unlearned recipe.
For multiple eligibilities and priorities. Need > Need for Offspec > Transmog > Greed.
There are rolls for the system to determine the recipient of the item in the event multiple people are selecting the highest tier of eligibility, creating a fair method of distributing it.
read the post I replied to, you missed the point
It’s so simple to understand.
There was no point, you are actively choosing to not understand the system.
Ah yes, blizz should make it easier for them to come into LFR and get that stuff than it is in GL. Brilliant idea.
With personal loot, those same transmoggers and vendor trolls would be given the items they’re winning today all the same. Except that unlike group loot, they would never be restricted from rolling on any item. With group loot, they can’t roll need on any item they have at the same or higher item level.
There are reasons to prefer personal loot over group loot. But the actual distribution of loot to players seeking upgrades frankly isn’t one of them.
You can’t roll need for the same item you already have at the same or higher item level. You can roll need on a different item than what you have of any item level or the same item if it’s a higher item level. So yes, there will be people wearing different items at a higher item level who roll need; the alternative would be to potentially prevent players from rolling on actual upgrades since oftentimes item level does not convey power of an item for all specs.
I think it’s hilarious when people accuse others of being greedy when they complain that they can’t win any items because of rolls for gold or enchant mats. I find it much more greedy when players can’t help themselves and deny others significant upgrades because they desperately want the 60 gold that they could get by picking up a flower.
Because rolling for vendor/DE/scalping is rare. Rolling for tmog is the common thing and until a better collection method comes up, I’m gonna roll.
Tired of being asked to be reasonable. No, I won’t. In fact I’ll happily be UNreasonable. If ‘upgrade’ becomes the metric to get stuff then I’ll delete gear to stay at 571 forever. You won’t beat collectors at this game, they are used to jumping through hoops, while LFR upgrade seekers aren’t used to jumping through ANY hoops.
What makes you think he has any less of a right to the gear than you do? Did he not kill the boss with you?
Nope. Last season of DF a Slot piece dropped and another caster rolled need and won it. After i saw his gear, i whispered him and asked “do you need that or did you roll need for tmog?” He said, “just tmog, you need it?” I saod, “yes plz.” He opened trade and was nice enough to give it to me. So dont tell me someone with higher ilvl gear in a slot can only roll transmog, cause he rolled need and won it.
And here we are. No, if he has better in slot gear than what drops, he should only be allowed to roll greed or transmog, not need.
Thank you for your honesty. This right here. This player right here is why personal loot needs to come back.
Stats mostly. It’s nearly free for me to upgrade that lfr piece if it has better stats so I will.
Then I’ll get the drop and dont even have to compete with you for it and since its an upgrade for you then i could sell to the highest bidder instead of taking it for transmog.
I think the issue is that people would just put on garbage gear, to have the bare minimum ilvl. So it would be full of just people trying to get carried then roll on gear they don’t need.
It’s too bad this community is just so trash.
Before LFR became group loot, those items went into people’s bags directly as personal loot. Lots of people, who are usually overgeared, tend to run LFR to add to their transmog collection. I sympathise with it being frustrating to lose a roll to someone who clearly has better though.
Maybe they should add an ensemble for the set for completing the raid on LFR, and then change the loot that drops to be more limited so only people who could actually use it for their player-power can press Need.
You are clearly struggling with this. He could not roll need, unless he did not already have that item at an equal or higher level. Period. Not any piece, that item.
That’d not be any fault of the community, it’d be a fault of a system preventing you from having any decent gear if you want to win rolls.