I’d be fine with this then all of the geared people wont need to run LFR anymore…except tier gear set bonus is better than ilvl since most classes get 4% damage increase from those bonuses.
So I’d be willing to drop 10 ilvl in a slot to get a tier set bonus.
Nope im not struggling at all, you are. You are so concerned with being right that you arent reading my actual words. I never said he had the exact same item. I never said it had ANYTHING to do with the exact same item, ever. I said “higher ilvl.” People who have higher or better items in slot. I did not once say anything about it being the same as the dropped item. Not once.
Well a more ethical community wouldn’t have such a widespread problem of people going out of their way to ungear themselves just so they can take gear from another who actually needs it. And I guarantee it would be a widespread problem here if rolling required equipped ilevel checks.
Yes they can design a system that wouldn’t allow awful people to be awful to others. It’s just unfortunate that they would need a more restrictive system that ultimately usually makes things less fun.
You didn’t say anything about it being the same item. I did, and you ignored or missed that entirely and brought up a counterpoint that disregarded the fact that the game does not and should not prevent you from rolling for an item that you don’t currently have the same or better.
Ethics vary, someone not going around giving people things that they wanted and earned does not equate to ethical.
Nobody is taking gear from anyone else.
You guarantee that if we create a problem, it will create a problem?
Success, already done. Now if only people would stop throwing a fit when they don’t win an item with a dice roll
Okay now you are just flip flopping on your statement. You accused me of “struggling” when in fact YOU were the one making statements based on a lack understanding. You got called on it and now you are recanting and spinning. Youre a troll and you have no desire for reasonable discussion at this point. Done with you.
Oh take off your rose tinted classes “hunter item” meme was thing because hunters could roll on just about everything and did, mindtap tailsman? hunter item!! zin’rok? hunter stat stick, etc etc.
It’s not just item level, it’s the same exact item plus item level.
It can take several minutes to sim a single item swap to see what the best option is. And the right answer for one situation may not be the right answer for another situation. There’s no way in real time for the system to determine the best item for a player in many cases. That’s why the system restricts based on the same item exactly and not just item level.
But you’re arguing with people who are explaining how the system works, which is based on the same item. Personal loot did not care about what a player already had, it could give them anything off the boss’s loot table after choosing loot winners. Group loot does have a restriction based on the same item; that’s why group loot actually increases your chance to take an item home compared to personal. If you think the protection should be more strict, that’s fine; but going back to personal loot as you’re advocating will lower your odds due to the protection that does exist.