LFR - if you have better, why roll Need?

But LFR is already not like other raids. There was no need to make the loot system the same as other raids. It was a lazy change.

For normal and up i get it, but LFR? Since when are randoms good at being fair about loot.

Hitting need or having the system do it for you, the end result is effectively the same.

Except now I can choose to pass, which is a net benefit for you.

There’s no reason to go out of their way to change LFR, and it wouldn’t solve the issue of folks feeling entitled to someone else’s loot anyway.

It’s a random number generator once you pick what to roll

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If you have the item. Need shouldn’t be possible to choose.

It isn’t possible to roll need if you have equal or better

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I’m talking about the specific piece, not related to ilvl.

There is zero reason for group loot in LFR other than griefing people to farm forum tears.

So, you think if someone has a veteran track weapon they shouldn’t be able to roll on a Myth track of that weapon?

It’s the loot system for raids. In a raid.

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That makes no sense. We’re talking about LFR. All item level is the same, exception maybe the last bosses. If somebody won a shoulder tier token and has that piece, they should not be able to roll need again.

Okay, then I’m not following your point. They cannot roll need for a piece they have equal or better on. That’s already in the game.

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I tried to compare what i had to the drops and roll accordingly, then i died from something as people raced on ahead, so now if i can click the need button, I don’t even check, I just hit it.

Personal loot wouldn’t have this problem :person_shrugging:

If that’s the case then good.

It shouldn’t be their stuff to begin with.

Because you feel entitled to something that another person won?

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Please use your logic and reason. Stop trolling.

Logic and reasoning isn’t your strongsuit. You didn’t win the item, and you are saying it should be a violation for you to not be given the item by the person who won it. If anyone is trolling, it’s you.

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Personal loot needs to be reinstated in LFR. The fact Blizzard thought that allowing transmoggers and vendor trolls to roll need on items they dont need was a good idea, just shows their serious lack of judgement.

I swear, 90% of the people on these forums are just blatant trolls. There is no way that the logic and reasoning ability for the average person is honestly this low.


No, it doesn’t.

Unlike personal loot, there are restrictions on rolling need on items. Rolling on an item you can roll on isn’t trolling, either

You’re definitely proving that point, especially since you refuse to explain why someone winning an item they were eligible to win, and then not trading it to you, should be a ToS violation.

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