I mean, that’s basically how it works. You get the physical item since that’s how the loot system works, and it’s the highest you can roll if you have that item
Or they could go back to personal loot in LFR and the issue for everyone involved goes away entirely. That could do that, too.
How does that fix the issue where this guy thinks he deserves the loot someone else won?
I would argue even more so: Stats are temporary, but transmogs are forever!
The better question is, why are you looking at their gear? It only serves to make you mad, so just… don’t?
Except if you win the transmog roll, you only get the appearance and not the physical item, and can’t roll need if you have better already. You still get the chance at your transmog and people there to gear up can get the upgrade.
I am entitled to that item just as much as you are, what I do with my rewards isn’t your business or concern.
That is NOT how it works, and a Greed Roll can beat a Xmog roll… so rolling for Xmog is essentially not even rolling at all… you’ll never get anything.
It removes the lair of allowing this playerbase to be toxic to each other, which is the obvious design choice wherever it is available.
Rolling on an item you need isn’t toxicity.
He said in a previous post that’s what he wants transmog button to do.
Anyone who rolls need or offspec need beats transmog already.
I know that, I was responding to someone responding to my initial post of that’s how it should work. The people there for transmog get their appearance, the people there for gear upgrades get their upgrades without having to fight someone there for transmog. If you have better, you can only roll to win the appearance being added to your collection.
Except what is better? If you just take ilvl into account, now I can’t roll on better statted items, I can’t roll on tiertary stat, can’t roll on socket, can’t roll on cantrips, can’t roll on a better track but I already upgrade to 8/8 etc etc.
Better is the same item with equal or higher ilvl and upgrade track. Blizzard defined it in the system
And I said the transmog button should give the winner the appearance without the physical item. You win the transmog roll, you get the appearance added to your collection without the physical item. And if you have better, you can only roll transmog, there everyone is less frustrated. The people there for mog can get their mog without taking the upgrade away from someone there for the upgrade.
I know that. That’s not what OP (and every single post about this dead horse of a topic) wants it to be.
Blizz is unlikely to effectively double the loot in LFR to make this work.
Some do it for transmog because the transmog option doesn’t really give a chance at the item.