- they are just jerks who only care for themselves.
- they are undercover master looters, they roll need to bestow it upon those they deem worthy
- they are elitist scrubs who roll need in a vain attempt to keep unworthy people from getting the item
I will never, ever buy into this ever.
Unless it’s like the last bit to fill out this set you’ve been working on for years it just seems like such a selfish move to deny someone a stepping stone piece for something you’re going to unlock and forget forever
Do world events, delves, pvp, crafting, even heroic dungeons give LFR-ilvl gear in vault. There is no situation where someone needs that specific LFR drop as the only path to help them gear up.
Crazy how different people’s attitude is compared to just a decade ago. Can’t wait for the next one.
Almost everything you just suggested either doesn’t reward a higher ilvl item, is a once weekly thing or requires better gear to actually get over that ilvl hump.
Any reasonable person would think upgrades are upgrades and any transmog item that isn’t going to be instantly used it just not a very community friendly approach.
People needing items to literally just get the unlock is the equivalent of people needing items to just vendor them for gold
Those are all 584 gear. 2x world pieces per week for things as easy as standing afk near the theater. 4-5 delve drops and unlimited runs for vault, a D3 does -not- require better gear. PVP lets you walk up and buy exactly the item you want, and the world PVP weekly is very easy to do with no gear. Crafting only takes LFR itself and everything made with sparks is automatically better than LFR drops.
No, none of them are special. Nobody “needs” LFR drops to gear up. So they don’t get a monopoly on everything that drops simply because they’ve been lazy.
Doing the helpful thing for other players died when there is zero chance of them ever helping you back. If I give up the drop now, then I’ll give it up next week, and give it up next week, and the next and on and on because there is no end to the line looking to roll on the same thing. Guilds running M0 are the place to experience cooperation, not LFR. And, there again, is a source for raw ilvl gear upgrades.
They need to implement this change: If your current equiped item is BETTER than the item you’re about to roll on, you automatically PASS on it.
nope very wrong as my guild/i did we qued with 10 rolled need on everything and sold it for gold or gave to a guildie.
Its called Greed.
Its why personal loot was better.
It also gave more loot used to see 10-15 pieces drop on a boss now its 6 lol.
GREED killed LFR do what everyone else does NEED it even if OS if anyone needs it tellem 50k gold or GTFO lol.
call me toxic but blizzard thought this was a good idea to bring back the dumb non personal loot and well it ya.
its funny because atm if you have better you can still need even if its 20 item levels less then what you have. when it used to be if you had a say 900 Ilvl piece but a 880 dropped it counted as an Offspec roll and it could read your void storage/bank so you couldent bypass the bs.
but blizzard took it out
No they need to make it count like it used to be anything on your toon or bank/void storage or if you DE’d or vendor a item it counts as OS Roll. it would ultimately kill any trolling or sellers and only go to people needing the actual upgrades and fix what was already fixed years ago…
I used to be the type of guy that only rolled need if I needed it to improve my stats, I used to be that guy that didn’t roll on gear because I got a lot of it that run and I wanted other people to enjoy the game too by getting some gear. Unless you are someone I know, I roll need regardless, I have joined the toxicity train because Blizzard can clearly fix it to make the majority happy but they won’t, and many on the forums while have rights to their opinion always crap on a persons frustrations.
I don’t care about you or your time investment, I will go into LFR as DPS and roll on tank gear/healing gear, even though I can do normals/Mythics/Higher delves and get better gear than LFR can give. Blizzard won’t fix it, and the community at large doesn’t care, so why should I?
Well, people can say what they want about personal loot in LFR but when we had PL, I’d actually do LFRs more regularly because there was always an item I wanted or a mog to get or just some benefit.
Now I do a wing just to have done it and never step in again even if I never see the inside of the raid on normal etc. for the rest of the expansion. Not interested in coming out with nothing every single boss which happens every single time for me since the change. Before at least I’d get some AP but now it’s just a waste of time for me.
Main reason I’m surprised people count them as actual gearing options.
So they have these options; and you have the options to wear something else.
Does that argument stand up?
Yeah PL is better for players looking for mog. There is also an emotional aspect when comparing another person rolling against you versus a system doing the rolling without player input. I genuinely am not trying to suggest anyone should like GL more.
It’s just so many people try to make it out that players pressing need under GL results in them having worse odds at getting loot with PL. While it can be true depending on how stacked a given raid group is, in an LFR setting, on average you will have the same or better odds to walk away with loot under GL than PL.
You don’t decide what other players need. The system does limit that, you cannot roll on something if you have an equal or higher of that item already
I guarantee you, he’s going to keep that xmog far, Far, FAR longer than you’re going to keep it for stats… you’ll probably equip it, wear it for a couple days, then vendor it when the next piece with better stats drops… how is that fair for the guy who would wear that xmog for YEARS after you dumped it off on a vendor?
Also, that guy with better stats then you? He probably carried you in that run just to get that xmog… if you make it impossible for people with better gear to get that xmog, the run will be full of a bunch of noobs who can’t down a boss.
If anything, xmog should trump stats in rolls… what you’re doing is DISGUSTING, needing just for stats.
You’re a very greedy guy who only cares about yourself.
Here is WoW forums in a nutshell:
Person makes actual post about an issue
Contrarian trolls reply in the most toxic, elitist way possible
It’s only an issue to someone who is only thinking of themselves. Some people play for stats and some people play for xmog… why is the guy playing for stats MORE IMPORTANT than the guy playing for looks… I could just as easily make a post about guys who will wear it for a day and trash it, not needing it as much as a guy who wants it for xmog for years.
When you only look at something from a personal need view and refuse to think anyone else plays this game for their own reasons, then all the sudden you are the toxic, elitist person… kinda like the OP and you.
It’s not an issue. He lost a roll and wants to complain about it because he feels entitled to someone else’s item.
Honestly the transmog roll should be for the appearance and if you have better, you can only roll for the appearance to be added to your collection without actually winning the physical piece.
Exactly… you know what I do when I have a fresh alt with crappy gear in a run and someone wins something with better stats than what they got?
I politely whisper them and ask if they really want it.
If they don’t answer… oh well.
If they say “oh no, I don’t really need it, here you go”… great.
If they say “sorry, I need it for mog”… I get it, I say “grats bro, enjoy” and not a problem