mogs mostly but many will roll and demand gold for the item. should be fixed somehow where once you get that item you can only roll mog and not trade
lmao…no…son…Im the guy who won the roll after putting in the SAME effort you did.
Grow up and cope…
yeah…son…you do…or you wouldnt be HERE whining about ‘losing’ something that was NEVER YOURS in the first place.
They need it for gear…I need it for mogs. both are need, period.
Factually THEIR ‘need’ is gonna be replaced in a week anyway…while my mogs last for as long as this game does…and unlike their ‘need’ that will be replaced in a week…it might take me MONTHS or YEARS to even get a chance at that mog again.
Still trying to get a single back mog from Legion thats never dropped in all this time.
so yeah…I see something I NEED for my mogs and I AM rolling need for it.
In a 5 man dungeon you have 4 potential beggars, in LFR you have 24. The issue is there are so many more of them to beg.
Notice how the comic shows the item being announced to the raid? And how that’s the point the begging starts?
That’s not an LFR thing, that’s a WoW player thing. The WoW community is terrible.
No, I’m taking an anti-harassment position.
You can’t harass people for gear you don’t know they have.
Do you think they consulted ‘The Prisoner’s Dilemma’ on this and thus here we are?
I need on stuff i dont actually need and then offer it for 100k to who needs it. Did that since the change in DF.
Working as intended.
You don’t know what a ninja is friend.
Ninja looters are why we don’t have a master looter anymore. They would take everything and port out.
If you win a roll, you won, it doesn’t make you a ninja.
If you lose a roll, close the loot window and move along. If you don’t inspect the winner, you won’t have a reason to get bent.
Because Need nets you the item over the transmog option.
…and you may not be the wrinkle brain you think you are.
They should have never gone back to need/greed especially in lfr. Personal loot was so much better.
same can be said about the stats, you can get better ilvl just as easy if not easier from pvp/delves/crafting.
How ever many moggs only come from lfr (or at least without ridiculous convoluted workarounds)
It’s an available option and clicking ‘greed’ makes me feel greedy. Being needy is more acceptable than greedy.

a ninja
I think it’s time to find a new word. That one has had too many meanings in just this game alone, let alone others. It means something different to everyone at this point.

No, personal loot quite literally just bred a mentality of entitlement
No it didn’t. You get harassed regardless of how you earn loot. It’s been happening since the game released.
At least personal loot hid the rolls and it felt like less of a contest. You’d just get your thing (or not) and move on. On that note, I want to see bonus rolls come back as well.
People are always going to be entitled. Look at this post. “Why roll on loot you want when I want it, too?” is such a popular thing.
I don’t care what you want. I’m not nor will I ever be playing the game for you. The only exception is the group of people I choose to run with. I don’t owe anything to some rando from another server. My xmog matters more to me than your temporary ilvl.
Call that entitled if you want, but you’re wrong. I’m putting in work for a thing, if I get it for the reason I want it then that’s great. I don’t need anyone’s permission to want something for the reason I want it. Thinking you deserve it more because your reason for running is different than mine is the only entitlement here.
This is the game Blizzard created, we’re just playing by their rules. They decided that gold = money, so you BET I’ll roll need on everything I can.

They should have never gone back to need/greed especially in lfr. Personal loot was so much better.
It wasn’t better at giving players who want to wear a piece of gear the best chances at that gear. In an LFR setting, personal loot only really benefitted mog hunters more than group loot does, at least in terms of actually getting the items. I would agree that personal loot does have some positive psychological benefits with a group full of strangers.

And youre entitled
brother you’re saying you are in the right for ninjaing an upgrade from someone who needs it just because you want the transmog - and because you both pay a sub fee?
you’re a walking literal definition of entitlement
No, it’s because both participated in the kill and both want the item, so both can roll need. That’s not entitlement, and that’s not ninjaing.

brother you’re saying you are in the right for ninjaing an upgrade from someone who needs it just because you want the transmog - and because you both pay a sub fee?
We both pay a sub
We both participated in the fight
We both have equal chances at the loot
Your “need” does not trump mine
I know people that hit need on everything. It’s a good faith system in a game with no faith or decent humans lol