Why did you inspect the winner?
Why couldn’t you accept the L and move on?
Why must we go through this every freaking season?
My motivation is to level my enchanting.
It’s not breaking any rules. If the game gives it to me it’s mine.
Me having a higher enchanting level doesn’t affect you and it’s not like you lost anything.
So what is the problem?
The response was pretty much what I was expecting.
Potentially, yes.
Sure. There’s tons of stuff that happens around me as well I don’t report because I don’t find it reportable. I don’t care if folks swear around me but that is against the ToS.
Behave rationality and in accordance to what you think or don’t think is reportable. That’s how WoW and Blizzard have always operated.
Sorry, I misunderstood you in that case. I got that you pointed out that if someone wins then it’s theirs but I misunderstood what you meant in regards to the whole DE:ing thing.
My bad! ^^’
When a sarcastic comic has a better understanding of personal loot than the forums, one should consider exactly why one want something. No, personal loot quite literally just bred a mentality of entitlement, folks excusing harassment, and even confusion about gear the times when one wanted to trade things.
Personal loot should stay dead, gone, and removed from the game.
yeah i never report anything, its only a game and if it causes me to get a laugh (even at my own expense), its all good. I could careless if i get anything really, i just enjoy playing.
Can’t say I agree with that mentality but… you do you, bud.
Only reason I go into LFR beyond the first week or two is because of transmog. I have an equal right to any loot that drops that could have otherwise been rolled on by an undergeared carry if I was not present anyway.
No, what caused the mentality of entitlement was the loot being announced to the whole raid. Take that out and personal loot becomes a “none of your business” affair.
They never should have done away with personal loot. If, and it’s a big if, guilds have issue with it then give them a guild perk that allows them to ignore it. This does nothing but add tension in PUGs of any type. It was so much better in LFR to get what you get instead of being offered the chance to get an item you want then have it be snatched away. One way you get to roll your eyes at the system, the other you get to glare at other players.
On the bright side, these are items that will be replaced easily because RNG. I’ve struggled with my mage in gearing all through early access to now. I played my warrior for two days and have already have better. Don’t you love RNG. Not.
I just wanted to make sure that chap knew we could ALL see his motivation there.
But at the end of the day if he gets the drop its HIS…and ironically HE’D be the one whining if someone else got it…not a transmogger. lol
PL needs to be the ONLY loot in randoms.
For structured guild raiding…sure…that needs to use a better system.
But when Im running with randoms who whine about MY drops, yeah…it needs to be MY drop not something Im rolling for.
and thats fine.
Its YOUR drop, you do as you see fit.
Im just saying your motivation in that post wasnt unclear at all.
and Im also not saying Im against doing something out of spite.
Ive had a case where someone has demanded I give them MY drop…and in that case I WOULD disenchant it right in front of them before Id give it up.

It’s not breaking any rules. If the game gives it to me it’s mine.
you mean like when I get MY drop I won that I need the mog for?
This scenario happens often if you queue LFR as Tank or Heal. The last boss of the wing gets killed, and the Join window for the next LFR wing opens immediately.
So what people do is they just hit need on each possible item and then loot their crests, because the clock is ticking on the LFR join window. There is not much time to inspect each item if you really need it.
It would be better if Blizzard adds a LFR join cooldown of 5min after killing the last boss, so people can make proper loot decisions without hurry, and have some time left to collect their stuff and repair.

I pretty much geared an entire char in two weeks.
No character is geared from LFR. You are in garbage gear that most people wouldnt accept in a group.

Just lost an item in LFR I really wanted
They also wanted it. Their reasoning is just as important to them as yours was to you. They won. You didn’t. Better luck next time.
Different and better stats is why.

No, what caused the mentality of entitlement was the loot being announced to the whole raid.
You are putting blame on a system that works fine in non-LFR settings, but doesn’t in LFR? Sounds like that’s an issue of folks who participate in LFR, not so much whether gear is announced or not.
I blame the folks who are responsible for their own actions, not on systems that work fine in every other aspect except here. Because that makes the flaw one of LFR and the people who behave like this in LFR; not the other way around. Quit excusing Karens from behaving like Karens.

Take that out and personal loot becomes a “none of your business” affair.
You mean… exactly like the comic showcased? Or the culture that was bred because of the entitlement of folks harassing people for feeling entitled to other people’s loot? Folks who say that others shouldn’t have their own loot and should be obliged to give it away to anyone who harasses them?
You aren’t making a good point when you are making a pro-harassment statement and position.
It’s gold, a transmog, and my right.
Well, then you are what you are… a ninja.

Your opinion on who deserves what doesnt change that fact
Doesn’t change the fact that you’re a ninja.

and you an entitled whiner who thinks the game and its playerbase OWES you anything
y’all two keep talking, “owing” something.
I don’t think I’m owed anything, just it’s you have a dreadful mentality… pretty simple and straight forward.
LFR is the lowest common denominator mode. I can’t really see how personal loot doesn’t make sense for it.
so if i kill a boss and prolly do more dps than someone who needs to equip the item im not allowed to roll need on it for cosmetic because i dont need to equip it? so i have to help countless groups clear and then gear check every person who needs it and pass on it till everyone in the game is geared enough for me to get it for cosmetic? sounds dumb af