LFG tool is fine

Definitely possible.

Agree completely, that’s why sometimes you’ll get a wall of text on something perfectly innocent, because it’s never as simple to convey a point or emotion through text.

No, you’re triggered because you’re utilizing derogatory terms toward someone expressing an opinion which doesn’t align with your nonsense. Generally, when someone resorts to insults it comes from a place of being upset.

Thank you for proving my point! :rofl:

So, which is it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh dear God … lmfao … a person on the internet playing a fembelf telling me I’m a lonely “man-child” projecting anger … you’re killing me.

If you only could see how funny this is when posting on a level 21.

Yawn, whatever helps you sleep at night bud.

Copying me now? Lol.

8-hour shift at work? You don’t have a job or something? Lol. The site isn’t blocked…

What does a character choice have to do with being lonely? You’re the one in on a saturday night playing WOW and already leveling another alt to 80.

You keep talking about how trigger I am… do you not see your own rage? Lol.

Talking on forums is not playing wow? Why are you guys arguing over that lol. You both agree that you are enjoying the discussion stop trying to argue that the other person is mad. What’s the point?

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Well the whole reason I am enjoying this conversation is because he is clearly projecting anger, this could easily be made into an intelligent conversation… but I’m not sure he’s capable of that. He’s gotta learn to relax and not take everything someone says as a personal slight. Though I did press buttons intentionally to see if he would bite… he did.

You guys can keep arguing over who is and isn’t mad if you want. It just seem like a silly thing to me. lol im giggling. Sorry. Do what you want.

I’m triggered by all of this triggering :smiling_face:

I’m crying…

If he keep projecting his anger… I’mma keep going, I got time to kill.

I sleep great. Thanks!

I could say the same, bud.

You completely missed my point. You keep proving how you sorely lack comprehension skills and it truly saddens me to continue this conversation with you to make it so clear of such.

You play wow at work and then get triggered when someone says something requires effort. It speaks volumes of your character … (incoming “boomer” comment! lmfao)

It has a lot to do with who you are as a person in playing a fembelf. If you don’t see a correlation then I got nothing for you.

I’m so happy you know so much about me. Please, tell me more? How many 80’s do I have? Inquiring minds want to know.

I’m quite calm actually. If anything, I’m beginning to feel kind of bad for you.

I wish I could post gif here. This needs the Spiderman gif.

I would sure hope so.

But I actually care about others and want RDF because its a great QOL addition.

Stop acting like you had a point, you got caught being clueless and trying to bandage it up now… you can’t bandage while dotted.

Again, that makes no sense… and I called you a boomer, because you have an archaic thought process, you haven’t evolved as a player or person. Though something so simple would be obvious.

You got nothing for me, because it was a dumb remark lol.

I dunno, you said you were leveling an alt, assume you already have an 80. My guess is 1 80 so far.

That’s usually something said by someone who is not calm at all.

Well, someone told me yesterday. That when you throw your love away. You act as if you just don’t care.
So lonely.
I am lonely too. That is why I play Blood elf female

Its fine, Yup sure is, if you are on a huge server and are 70plus.
But for everyone else it sucks and doesn’t work.
You guys need to take off your blinders when you are in a large server and 70 plus and see how the other half lives, and you would then understand, “it’s that well its working for me” mentality

Once again, you put words in my mouth … I’m failing to recall a single instance of my saying it’s not a great thing? I would love to be proven wrong on this.

Minimizing a statement because you know it’s accurate doesn’t make it not accurate.

Boomer comment. Called it.

What does any of this have to do with first you mention having to get through an 8 hour shift then you claim you’re not working only to acknowledge you are working? Get your story straight please.

Maybe in your delusional world. LOL.

Incorrect. I’m playing the game to enjoy it and have zero desire to plow through the content.

Heart rate is between 77 and 83 respectively.

This is a fitting gif for you.

You already have been proven wrong on this. Read up.

No, but it’s commonplace for people to act like they understood something when they clearly didn’t.

That was in response to something you wrote… you okay dude?

Lol, what other race on Horde can be paladin… are you sexist? Women can’t be paladins? I dunno what kinda point you’re trying to make.

Wish I had hair half that nice.

Proven wrong on what? Jesus, you flip flop way too much. You’re claiming I’m stating
how RDF is a bad thing. I’m asking you to show me where I’ve said this???

Comprehension? Reading hard, remember?

You really suck at gaslighting.

Oh, this is getting good. I went from a boomer, to being sexist, to saying women can’t be paladins.

What’s next?

Wait what? Why did I think we can’t post gif here. And why did nobody tell me I am wrong. Please help this ignorant peasant how do you post a gif?

I’ve stood firm on my convictions, I’m not sure where you are getting your ideas from.

Not trying to, was a genuine question… you seem to be losing it a bit.

It was a question… you clearly are afraid to answer it, why is playing female BE paladin a bad thing? You seem to be against the female portion. Which seems kinda sus…

It’s trust level. You have to do an astronomical amount of crap before you can post links.

One sec, I’ll find the post from a MVP breaking it all down.

New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

and this might help too:

Finding out your trust level - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)