LFG tool is fine

You’re still avoiding answering what was obviously understood as a question. But since you’re being extremely pedantic, I’ll reformat into a grammatically correct question for you so we can move on.

“Why can’t all the people who complain about ‘gatekeeping’ just coordinate with each other and form additional groups?”

They need to add it now instead of wasting everyone’s time with this dumb LFG system they have in place, why not have both… if those people wanna use LFG instead of RDF, let em. We have both in retail and it’s never been a bad thing… RDF was there back in the day, this isn’t a new idea.


They probably are. Or at least trying.

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If that was true, they wouldn’t be complaining about gatekeeping, they would be running dungeons and moving on with their day.

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Unlike you, I’m not going to speak for anyone else - experiences are different. I’m speaking for myself when I say I have no use for that stupid tool. It’s a waste of my time. I list myself and wait. I get invited, but if I didn’t I couldn’t care less anymore. Running a dungeon isn’t worth babysitting that POS.



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Mine still breaks on the regular. The search function ceases to…uh, function, and requires a /reload to fix, and it’s still listing me as roles I’m not signed up for

Not to mention I have nothing left to get from heroics so I’m gone from the pool of available players, something that is very quickly going to become a more prevalent problem in the following days as more and more people begin to raid log

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People still aren’t using it even.

List group for dungeon, no tanks in the tool.

/lfg LF Tank for Dungeon

5 whispers, people are still just looking at LFG.


And this is why there are so many people demanding RDF because they can’t put forth the effort to actually play the game and want things handed to them on a silver platter.

Not sure this warranted a thread, but I completely agree with what you’re saying.

So let me get this straight, you think… people being snubbed from groups due to their lack of gear or experience, while elitest try to form the dream-team to go through dungeons who are already easy… is somehow better than a random selection process where everyone gets a shot at joining a group and getting that gear and experience needed to advance in the game and become better players?

Man, you must be awful to play with… nothing is being handed, you still have to do the dungeon… talk about a delusional boomer.

You’re trying to get something straight by putting a lot of gibberish into an attempt at interpreting what I’m saying? That’s not really how this works, but I’ll play along.

I think the group finder works just fine. People need to put forth a bit of effort to get into a group or play a healer/tank.

Do I think the example you’re referencing happens? Absolutely, but that’s the joy you get in making your own damned group.

Sure, you wait a bit longer than you would with RDF … but the outcome is essentially the same as the group finder.

If you play a DPS, expect to wait awhile.

If you play a tank or healer, you’ll get a group a whole lot faster.

Effort. The key word which I was highlighting.

Speak for yourself there bud.

yea i thought going from 70-80 and heroics i would want rdf more but really it took me like a few minutes to get a group at maximum. it’s quite nice. made me realize that rdf ain’t that big of a deal.

I guess reading is tough? Lol.

That is YOUR PERSONAL experience, why do people need to go through a selection process when a better version exists. You call them lazy, I call it a balanced process to get people grouped to do the content.

I’m speaking the truth, it hurts huh?

You have to wait a while with RDF as well, your point? DPS is always saturated.

Still a selection process where specific players will get excluded far too often due to their gear/experience or lack there of.

It’s a slower, less balanced version, where people will get left out and people can power-trip kick people… sure.

Oh? Where did I say this? I’ll wait. I love it when people on these forums try to stuff words into other people’s mouth.

No, actually … the fact you had to write a novel shows me how triggered you are. Do you need your safe place? Someone mentions effort and you go off your rails.

Please reference your own query and apply.

Once more … as you had mentioned, reading is hard.

I enjoy debates with people like you, please provide me entertainment. It’s Saturday and I’m working on an alt.

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Yea… that’s you right?

Yawn, typical sad boomer response. Effort? Gotta love delusional players like yourself… “oh its all about effort!!!” LOL.

So you are admitting you’re struggling to comprehend what you’re reading? Gotcha, honesty is the best policy.

Again, you fail to make a single point. Try harder please, this is embarrassing at this point.

Hey, like-wise! I have an 8-hour shift to push through… debating with clueless boomers is probably one of my favorite things.

I don’t know man, I tend to type wall of text most of the time whether I am “triggered” or not. I highly doubt wall of texts prove that solely by their presence.

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Lol, yea… people always assume anger on a wall of text. I feel it’s them projecting their absolute rage at whoever they’re responding to because they’re not agreeing with their views.

Still waiting for you to show me where I said it. I got time. :slight_smile:

So triggered. Resorting to name calling too. Awesome. :rofl:

I know your comprehension skills are sorely lacking, but I’ll humor you and explain it in more detail.

You mentioned how reading is hard and then reference a statement which I already made clear in how if you play a DPS you’ll be waiting awhile.

Clearly you need to apply your own statement as you’re absolutely right. Honesty is the best policy.

Read what I said above. I dumbed it down for you.

Awesome. I’m enjoying my weekend.

Playing wow at work explains a lot as to why you get so triggered when someone mentions effort. Speaks volumes.

Now I know you’re a :troll: I quoted it, you can read it.

I’m triggered because you’re upset I don’t agree with your archaic level of thinking?

“I know you are but what am I!”

You’re a man-child.

I’m not playing WOW at work. You keep proving I’m correct about the type of person you are… a lonely man-child projecting his anger onto others because they disagree with their views. I hope you get to 80 bud…

That is a hypothesis I guess. I think it is likely to be a sign that they like taking points within an argument out of context. I personally prefer when people sustain their points with many arguments so there is context that make said point easier to understand. If the presentation is too short it is very easy to misunderstand.

Bear in mind that this comment is unrelated to the argument you have with that person. I have not followed it so I don’t know anything about it. I don’t like when argument gets fractured in many small parts like they are in your current argument. For the reasons I mentioned in my previous paragraph.

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