LFG System has 0 social benefits

i agree! I dont see how they arent purposefully making these decisions trying to carve a niche, now im super happy because that niche is me, and theyre nailing it, but i dont think for a second that there isnt a huge amount of people on both sides.

What bothers me is people who think that the company who made Diablo Immortal’s monetization scheme is overlooking something here, or “just needs to realize what theyre doing”

They gave us the universally hated borrowed power because it fed into engagement metrics. Theres almost certainly something they’re going for here. Specifically.

I agree as well. I think the days of them doing things solely for the players are gone. I think they do that to a smaller extent, but only if they aren’t leaving money on the table.

Anyone who claims to say stuff like, Blizzard wanted it that way, or the whole Spirit of Classic thing… pure make believe. The only thing that matter to them is how much money they’re going to get from us.


I would love to see these sources where they so clearly lay out who their target audience is.

It is super, crazily weird how much confidence you have in the development team that you think they are executing on some hyper specific plan, flawlessly and with SEAL-like precision.

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Well i played during tbc through mop sorry i didnt start in vanilla wow but saying that its not for me is a little ridiculous. So yes i played when it rdf wasnt out and yeah i had fun. But it made the game much better imo when it came out. Once some is rolled out that in my opinion is better why would i want to go back ? Riding a bike is much better for me but man cars go so much faster lol js


"Its a self selected group of people who want that Different Experience "

Money. The answer is Money. Anyone with it.

I find the UI an eyesore, honestly.

It lets you cherry pick the armor class you want to compete less against with, which I can see hurting oversaturated classes/etc.

If they ever add Dungeon Finder:

  • No teleport
  • Your server only. Keeps the interaction.

oh look we’re *hyperbolizing this is why noone actually listens to any of your arguements.

As for not everygsme needs to be for me like obviously but the games i enjoy i want to play them the way i want. If i want to obly spam dgs in wow or quest thats what i get the freedom to do. For me its not about the lvling experience. A friend once told me back in og wrath the game doesnt really start till you hit max and i agree with him in my opinion i dont have as much fun till max. Raiding,farming mounts, pvp. But i have to lvl to get there and rdf makes it easier on everyone not just me

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Right, so we’re back to my point that they’ve simply made an error as to what makes up their Classic player base and what serving them means. Which is what has happened. I thought you had something new.

Unfortunately that just wont be an option! so you’ll need to take the good with the bad, or find a better game! because, not every game needs to be developed to appeal to every player.

Is there 12 million players playing Wrath Classic right now? Because if not than uhhhh…

The tool isn’t that bad and honestly I’m spamming dungeons for xp and more often than not, the group stays together because that’s what they advertised, which is something that basically never happened in RDF. So, I’m cool with it.

Minimal investment to not have the tank and healer leave at the end of a RDF group and then go into a 30 minute queue again.

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Pretty sure theres no mistake, theyre clearly describing me with these statements and not you, and the clearest thing is that it upsets you alot

What hyperbole? Your logic is literally that if you have an issue with any design choices that means you aren’t the target player base. This explicitly necessitates that they are acting with full intention, and perfectly executing on their philosophies such that the impact their design choices have are exactly what the wanted them to be. If you allow for error at all then your results-oriented thinking utterly falls apart in this matter.

You dont actually believe this because you know that any ad absurdum destroys this idea.

They have a target player in mind, theyve constructed, and while that play does cover quite a few players they retain a large playerbase with issues that are important to those people. this is how niche carving and demographics works.

Theyve taken the calculated risk on your sub, and decided they dont care if they lose you while catering to me. and looking at your logs they arent missing much of an investment tbh <3

That’s true. The changes the modern devs made to classic clearly appeal to you, not me. I didn’t want most of them. Even if they add the RDF sometime in the future it will be bitter sweet for me because I know they only did because of the backlash and being who they are I expect them to make more changes I hate but you like.

Is this your first time playing honey? Blizzard does this all the time…bad decisions that they backtrack on later.

When they add RDF into Wrath Classic (and they will) we’ll know who their target playerbase is…paying customers.

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and thats ok. if you like the game you’ll stick around and if not you wont. there are plenty of games with much more QOL time saving design philosphies i cant stand to play that you’ll enjoy! and i hope you do!