I used the new LFG tool and it worked perfectly

This disingenuous pearl clutching brought to you by the person who said this:

in response to this:

This is ultimately the crux of the issue with bad-faith interlocuters like you: you don’t actually care about anything you say. You don’t have opinions based on evidence and reality so much as you have agendas based on feelings, and you don’t care about the veracity of anything. The only thing that matters to you is that you “win”, and any means is justified to achieve that end.

You don’t care about ableism, but you think it’s a “gotcha!” moment here, and is basically a way you can put a thin veneer over trying to game the forums to silence dissenting parties. You don’t care about insults, obviously. Again, it’s just something you feel you can use to game the system. You might even actually believe that what you did isn’t as bad, even though your comment was specifically intended to provoke and harm and literally none of mine have been, because you didn’t include what you are classifying as “name-calling” in yours. So far as I can tell at least 50% of your posts for a few days now (would shock me if it didn’t go back further but I wasn’t there) have been explicitly and purposefully inflammatory, but wrapped in a package that you think is going to slide under the radar of “the rules”.