Nope, the “socializing” happens when you have a number of tanks on your friends list and you avoid typing “LF TANK”, btw. Its tedium that promotes using social interaction to avoid it.
Weird takeaway. No. I would never intentionally seek such a position, and the only reason I had it elsewhere is through a series of incredibly chance events where the friend who got me into the game got into the game because of a friend of her husband, and that friend of her husband had a friend in his long-term circle who happened to be a dev, and we happened to hit it off as just two people. He then tapped me for this project. Was generally super cool, but I didn’t leave it with idea of seeking out some similar thing anywhere else.
I believe by “community council member” you are referring to that other forum section I’ve seen? People with golden avatars or whatever? If so then I would be shocked if that were the only playerbase representatives that Blizzard had. Also had no idea they talked about Classic. But what I’m talking about are people that actually have the ear of the devs and who the devs directly and specifically listen to, who are not at all publicly known. The connected part wasn’t an accusation of, like, nepotism. It was elaborative context for how simultaneously random and non-random the selection process is. Point being that the Classic devs have their idea of what their target audience wants based on a likely biased group. Not biased out of maliciousness, mind you, but rather out of the inherent needs of the selection process when you’re trying to keep a group like that under wraps. You’re not going to spam out emails asking literally random members of the playerbase to participate.
The target playerbase are people who want to re-rexperience Wrath, just like it was with TBC and Vanilla. They’re just mistaken as to what that playerbase wants.
No idea what an SME is. And I’m not making anything up. I don’t do lies or bad faith interlocution. Sarcasm is about the extent of it. Also going to reiterate that saying the group of internal reps are likely people who the devs know personally wasn’t and isn’t an accusation. The point is that that group isn’t a statistically random sample that one can assume represents Classic players comprehensively.
Or they’re just wrong about the changes they’re making and are incorrectly servicing their playerbase, rather than being perfect beings that do everything 100% correctly like you apparently think they are. Very results-based thinking that paints them as impossible of error.
Nope! read their design pillars, and the interveiws, their clear about who their target audience is!
suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you dont lolol
You keep saying RDF is bad, but the amount of people who used it proves you wrong. The data says you are wrong.
See, I can do it too.
Why cant you have tank friends with rdf? Especially if they try and only do server queues( and if only the server queue is taking way to long then switch it to cross) idk just an idea. But idk why ppl cant make friends with rdf. Theres really not that much interaction now. Minus the hi, ggn gratzn and ty for the run atleast in my experience.
You can! but the tedium you avoid by making friends and holding on to good people is gone! pretty simple! blizzard seems to understand.
Enjoy your strawman!
The same amount of people didn’t use it in Wrath too. Since they all played without it for more than 1/2 the expansion.
Im not sure about that, if theres a good tank/healer or whatever before the dg is over you can add that person just like now theres literally no difference. Maybe im crazy but honestly i dont go in to a dg to chum it up thats not the purpose its to gain xp, and gear. But if i end up making a friend then great if not but we cleared it then thats fine too
and coping because you desperately want blizzard to play kindergarten teacher and pair you off with people to force them to play with you.
This is probably it, thanks tho.
The intention of the tool is to find a group to run a dungeon. That’s what I use it for. There’s nothing about the tool that forces me to socialize.
I know how to socialize. I have lots of real life friends, guild friends, and friends in on line communities where we discuss politics and others where we discuss botany. I have no interest in socializing in a pug so I don’t. If you want you are certainly free to blab away constantly when you pug. I just won’t bother to read it or respond to it. On a dps I just ignore you. If I’m tanking or healing and your babbling gets too distracting I’ll tell you to shut up or I’m leaving the group. Good luck finding another tank or healer.
In vanilla I played a hunter with a dead zone. I hated the dead zone and skipped every quest or dungeon in a building. I played the hunter in vanilla only to level it up because I knew it would be eliminated in TBC. If blizzard announced they were going to keep the dead zone in TBC and Wrath because of “the spirit of classic” I would have deleted my hunter.
Just a mere hour ago I posted “This new system stinks” in the LFG chat, obviously using much more bannable words. I got about 5 whispers saying Amen to some degree. I’m sure it would have gained more traction if it had stayed visible for more than 8 seconds due to the trio of trolls using the A word over and over.
Social interaction complete.
No its more i dont like wasting time. A game shouldnt have something in it just for the sake of wasting time. (Yes i know playong video games is “wasting” time) but if rdf helps lower lvls break up the monotony of questing and helping them get gear. In a timely manner then why not some dgs for certain lvls are hard to find groups. And im on a full server js. And as for forcing them to play with me ummm first is a mmo of course youre suppose to play with ppl however if someone joins yhe rdf queue thats thwm saying hey id like to be pairs with ppl that i need to run this dg they are not being forced if the dont want to use rdf then they dont have to. Look my time is valuable to me it might not be to you but everyone has their own priorities and time is one of mine.
thats a better poll than alot of the ones ive seen you post tbh!!
Not every game needs to be made for you! something tells me if you dont like “wasting time” classic wow is def the last game you should be interested in trying.
I agree 100%
Looks like we’ll never know the real numbers, right?
Something tells me blizzard just isnt that interested in them!
Money talks and Tauren leavings walk.
We might not see eye to eye on… anything really… but whatever decisions this company makes is purely financial. To claim anything else is just wishful thinking.