LFG kick feature

Was recently in a -normal- dungeon, and was kicked for asking why the druid needed a wand. Normaly sure whatever 3 guildies (not my guild to be clear) wanted to be mean to me because they prob wanted to need it for gold. But they purposefully kicked me before the first boss so i ended up with a 30 min Deserter de-buff. So im double punished. Yall need to fix Deserter, remove it, or allow for a way to REPORT the HARRASERS, as that is what they did, need an item they couldn’t used, then kicked me for the laughs.

Makes me want to just straight up quit the game since your in game ticket writing wont let me file a report on them.

There is nothing to file a report for.

Is it a pleasant experience, no.

That doesn’t mean any rules were broken or any tools were used in a way they weren’t intended to be utilized.


Truth is they can kick for no reason at all.
I remember … Equipping a green weapon years ago. They got so mad at me … When I was told they would not heal me any more.
I just pulled everything untill i was dismissed. Good times.

Being kicked is a right of passage.
Don’t let that get to you.
Have fun…

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It is LFG who cares why someone picks need on a item even if it seems strange or weird. Honestly I just try to keep quite in these groups and do what I need to do. Never try to gain attention. I think you see what happened when you did.

I remember when the vote kick would not give a debuff. Lets not go back to that time when you had tanks or healers trying to hold a group hostage trying to get kicked. Why if they got kicked then no debuff but they would get one if they left on there own.


Because it is not against the rules to kick you for any reason they want. The game is not designed to force players to play with others they don’t wish to be around. If, for any reason, the majority of others want a person kicked, they can vote on that. It is not fun, but not against the rules or considered harassment.

Harassment would be messaging you with inappropriate language, insults profanity, slurs, etc. In that case you would right click and report them for their language.

If you never want to be grouped with those people again, you can put the person on ignore and the game won’t group you together again in the group finders.

The debuff exists because the group finder system was set up to to give a bonus to healers and tanks for doing RANDOM dungeons. If the player did not like the random dungeon they got put in, they would refuse to play, troll the group, intentionally try to get kicked to avoid the leave penalty. So, to curb that behavior, people who get kicked do have a debuff now. It is not a perfect solution, but it is the current solution they have.