Lfg empty since classic launch

It is boring, the content is repetitive, everything feels cheap. The game lacks a feeling of reward or achievement unless you are at level cap and pushing one or more of the three total options. Arena, M+, or Mythic raiding. Everything else legitimately feels like it is nothing but a pointless speed bump on your way to one of those things.

That is why they have made leveling so easy. That is why they hand out a free boosts to every person that buys the expansion. Nothing matters in the slightest until you are well beyond 120. It doesn’t even feel like the training wheels come off of the game until you hit M+, Heroic raiding, etc.

Playing a bit of Classic has really shown me how much (not that I didn’t know already) they have butchered the game in an effort to make everything accessible and…well…easy. Everything is flat out handed to you in Retail until you hit a wall (partly created by the players although mostly to protect their time/effort) at which point you are better off just making another alt for the gear-up “high” when you hit 120 again.

At first I thought I was just kicking the tires with Classic, and didn’t really take it seriously, but at this point I am logging into Retail less and less, and when I do I am not around for long. I feel a greater sense of accomplishment when I get a level in Classic than I do from getting epic quality loot on a max level toon in BfA.

You’ve asked for reasons and those are mine. Take them how you will.


I’m not sure why you think more people would do more dungeons if it took a lot of time to get into one and there was a good chance you would be rejected repeatedly.

Like, in earlier expansions people could spam heroic dungeons as entertainment.

Without a group finder, no leveler would ever do a dungeon, given what a huge time sink it would be to travel to another continent and maybe even through enemy territory to get there. Is that good or bad for the game?


You know I think a lot of the classic hate is from people who have never experienced the community and possibly are afraid of trying to be social.


Gosh, I really feel bad for all the Retail players … for about two seconds then I remember the “Wall of No” …


My friends list is quite large and active so it honestly sounds like a “you” problem more than anything.

Honestly, has nothing to do with Classic tbh.

I let my subscription lapse. 80% of my friends let their subscriptions lapse. (I’m still not sure how I’m able to post here?)

Essences are WAY too alt-unfriendly. Alts are the game for me. They are the game for my friends.

We aren’t going to grind 50,000 Honor on our Alts. We aren’t going to grind Exalted with Rustbolt/Ankoan/Unshackled on our Alts. Etc.

I’ll renew for Brewfest, then I’ll let it lapse again. I won’t queue while I do that, I’ll do Brewfest, then logout. Simple as that.

Blizzard NEEDS to fix this, or they will see their retail subs continue to drop, it’s plain and simple.

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I’ve been very clear on my reasoning, you just disagree so you want to argue. If you are genuinely curious scroll up and give it a re-read.

I think that the dungeon finder tool is probably fine, and definately necessary for leveling. Just remove queues, they are so toxic.

Anyways, you aren’t gonna agree, have a good Friday night, nothing wrong with having different opinions.

Please post on your Classic level 60 before complaining about the endgame.

I mean, anytime someone complained about retail they were almost always met with things like “you haven’t even done Mythic+” or whatever.

So post on your level 60 to show us you’ve completed the Classic content and found it lacking.


i played classic when it was current content.

i don’t need to play it again.

i will and i am but i don’t need to

Hmmm… It seem like it was less on lfg group the first week of classic. But it seem like normal to me now. The queue stuff is the same as ever. The current LFR is up to 1 hr in MoP. Up to 1 hr in WoD. Up to 1 hr in legion.

You seem threatened and defensive for someone with a so called friends list. I play both however my classic guilds are growing and growing fast while retail feels like its dying. Granted classic is the new kid around and retail will have a bounce back after the patch but…if the story sucks…who knows

This forum is highly judgmental.

There are a lot of people who seem to think that…

  • everyone who doesn’t play the game exactly the way they do is pathologically socially dysfunctional.
  • the purpose of playing a videogame is to prove you are better at life than anyone else.
  • if you are playing the game differently from how they play it (or how they claim to be playing it) you are playing it wrong and should be stopped.

They’re completely different games.
They’re under the same subscription fee sure, but when you play them they’re distinctly different in many many many ways.

You’re kind of a b*tch, maybe that’s why it’s so hard for you to play retail.


That puts you in a distinct minority, it seems

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And you feel like you are reaching. You claimed that the game was dead. I said your anecdotal evidence is different from mine. At no point was I being “threatened” or “defensive”. I mean sure I guess anyone would seem defensive when all you do is completely bash and berate anyone that disagrees with you.

I don’t agree with your statement to Medaax. I think players are trying to protect and defend their investment and also want to be part of the “cool kids” group. Being in the majority gives them comfort. When they think they are not in the majority they lash out

Say hello to the mirror.


The only one I will absolutely agree with is

I mean look at any post involving addons or layers or cleave dungeon groups. Because the fact that the old school players want to sit through and do quests all day means that no one else is allowed to deviate from that or it is considered “exploiting”.

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Darling, anecdotal evidence is what you used. Retail is losing subs fast and a quick google search will tell you. Yes, you don’t get the actual numbers because blizzard hides those but there is still plenty of evidence that retail is struggling…even without classic. How many friends on your list doesn’t tell me a thing…you might think your list is big with 5 friends on it…who knows


I mean if you want to give me hard proof then by all means go for it. The last person that tried to use “proof” that retail was dead posted on the Classic forums that retail had a whopping 30k people online during peak hours via an addon. They were laughed at by BOTH retail and classic players.