Lfg empty since classic launch

People already listed their reasons. It’s all opinion. If you don’t want to accept it, that’s your problem, no one elses.


when people say classic is better because it has less rng, but 3 pieces of loot between 40 people seems like more rng.

so is that a valid reason or what?

I don’t know, is it? To them it seems to be and considering you are asking them, it appears to be.

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The bottom line you are looking for is neither side knows. Theres no better answer to be had here
It’s the same thing.

Don’t yuck anothers Yum.
You happy with yours? Cool. Let them eat theirs then.

The classic v retail argument isn’t the cause of your original post either. Symptom maybe, but not the specific blame sake.

Other reasons include - and have for a LONG time now -

Lesser reason to go back to such content. LFR for example? There’s no sets, no legos, its behind in ilevel, No weekly quests, etc. No reason to be there. ever.

People preferring their own groups/guilds to pugging. Pugs are noisy and destructive. they pull stuff and blame others. Of course you’d move inwards. Same will happen on Classic when everyone gets comfortable. Its the same audience. Nothing special.

Honestly; not a pvp player, so I cant comment to arenas. I imagine that’s losing interest over time too in a predominantly PvE focused game.

probably faster to just quest tbh.

And the horrible/lack of a story! don’t forget that! ooor was that in the rp elements… eh, I mean it’s pretty bad, it deserves it’s own category.

Classic will die eventually. Don’t worry. Just unsub for a couple months until the classic hype fades.

Thing is, some of us remember vanilla differently, sure classes had more uniqueness but at the same time, if one really wanted to push into endgame it was:
You want to tank? roll warrior or GTFO
You are a paladin? either you are the token ret for kings or a heal bot
You are a priest? get to healing noob

I played vanilla and liked it, but I was more then glad when BC came out and the tank role expanded to other classes that had tank specs as well as a bit more freedom to play the spec you wanted and still be able to progress. If there is one thing Retail has done fair on it is that, only block is the players that subscribe to the meta being the only way to do things.

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becasue we did it once already.

i mean until the Azshara patch it was a mirror of Mists…

WC attacks alliance home and destroys it.

factions go to war.

Horde npc doesnt agree with WC’s action and starts a rebellion.

said NPC makes deal with alliance to take em down.

WC obtains old god item of power.

I mean it was literally cut and paste story and re-skinned :expressionless:

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Yeah, I wish they would just implement some sort of tutorial.

Like proving grounds, but class specific. Imagine this:

“Next up we will learn about utility different classes can provide. As a mage, you have the ability to remove curses. A curse is identified by thr purple border on your allies party frame”

Then you do a minigame where you have to dps some mobs down while decursing allies.

Idk, being able to buy a boost and queue up for LFR makes the content just mind numbingly simple, as it has to be catored to the lowest common denominator.

Then that new player is like “cool I killed Azshara what next?”

“Kill her again Billy, this time on normal. Then again on heroic. Then again on mythic.”

Billy “no thanks”, unsubs, goes to play fortnite…

Compared to vanilla, where MC was basically LFR, i mean lets be real it was ez mode. BWL bit harder, few more mechanics, AQ and naxx would be heroic / mythic.

You had a world where players did the entry level raid, and when they said “cool whats next”, the answer was something they would be more compelled to do.

Players naturally progressed as far as they wanted to, and if they didnt kill every single boss in the expansion, that was fine.

Vertical progression is just so much better than having 4 different difficulties imo.

Bring back 1 foat difficulty, where it starts off super easy so everyone can get a foothold and slowly ramps up until about modern heroic difficulty.

Add hard modes that can only be activated with exactly 20 ppl for mythic ppl that want a challenge.

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This is what you’re missing. Youre son worried about fighting for you charecters gear you didn’t realize that the other 39 players are people. Gear was great but the real end game being replayable is about accomplishing goals TOGETHER. Getting your entire guild geared not YOU. Thats the community aspect people like about it.


i’m not having these problems. obvious classic trollposter is obvious

There’s a lot of things wrong with BfA. Forging and access to content via a group finder are not high on most people’s list.

If your goal is to eliminate as many subscribers as possible, removal of the dungeon finder would be a great way to do it.

Proving grounds was a test only. It tested to see if you already knew these things that were not taught in the game. This tutorial is something I also have proposed. Every time you got a new spell, you would be invited to visit your class trainer for this sort of instruction if you wanted to - entirely optional. You would also have available learning scenarios for dungeons and raids.

I think it would bring back more peeps than it would cause to quit. And help wow to not bleed subs so hard with this “play the patch not the expansion” mentality.

Oh well, agree to disagree I suppose.

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Oh My!! then by all means stay in an empty single player game…its what retail has become. I like retail but it is just a bunch strangers you never talk too. You could replace them with bots that will type GOGOGO if you are not moving in a second


You keep trying to compare apples to oranges while sticking your head in the sand when people give you legitimate answers.

Whatever keeps your thread going I guess.

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reverse is also true however…

comparing world of warcraft to world of warcraft is not comparing apples to oranges you are an idiot.

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Oh cool you compiled data of everyone’s complaints and organized it. Send me the link please I’m curious to see what the breakdown looks like.

Must be just you, I am not having that problem as dps. 7-10 min wait times for me almost insta-queue as a tank.

Semper Fi! :us: