LFG Addon - an extensive look (it’s very bad!)

This will be my classic

i rather have no addon’s than LFG addon

?? posted where ?

And now its DEAD…gg boiz!


Blue post on the subject: ClassicLFG addon - #9 by Trashbringer-arygos

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Edit: Thanks for link.

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It’s dead, Jim.

welp, I’m going to the liqueur store boys. Its time to celebrate.


I think its not entirely an addon like lfg in retail. It doesnt port u to the dungeon and its not auto invite.it just help advertize ur looking for a grp to run a particular dungeon. I wuldnt like to see the afore mentioned allowed but helping ppl grp easier isnt a big deal imo. I dont think the addon will be broken off the mark. Depends on what it really does and how it impacts the gameplay. Blizzard will pbbly be suspicious about it and monitor it but unless it automates gameplay it wont be banned off the bat imo.

LFG is in Classic, FYI.

2 problems with this approach:

  1. wasnt a thing in vanilla
  2. stifles innovation, leading to more cookie cutter specs, which were for sure time-tested but not as time-tested as later iterations from private servers. this would lead to arguments/bad blood before the experimental spec even had a chance to prove itself, creating a negative reaction loop.

Hi Starman. Looks like your crew lost. :disappointed_relieved:

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herbs as also in classic, you couldent autofarm them though…

Not really. Just the inter-app part. No big deal.

@stevas Seeking out groups is a social component of the game and a result of this is people being forced to interact or even form guilds. Guilds can look to one another, friends can look to one another. You know that guy you met in yesterday’s raid that you added to your friend list? You can touch base with your community of people and see what they are up to and maybe ask if they wouldn’t might you tagging along because maybe they need some help too.

These are social mechanics that are part of MMORPGs.

EverCrack had this exact situation occur. Never once did I meet someone through the LFG tool that I ever met again. However, the first time I was lost and getting pwned by orcs and met someone that helped me out I would always stay in touch with that person. The world was dangerous and it just didn’t pay to be running around alone and it was to my advantage if I kept in touch with people and worked together and even my reputation mattered because of the social mechanics required for play.

Yeah, I am sure the Enemy of Classic WoW will continue to push this abomination project and just trim a bit here or there to get around Blizzard sanctions.

A shame that he doesn’t get the message that the Classic Community at large does not want this.

Opinion. Next.

/shrug I think that community in general is in for a big wake up call that classic will not recreate the 2004 experience regardless of how much they try.

True. It was nice to see Blizzard agree with my opinion and not yours.

I am sure this will be revisited in a few weeks after the Blizzard ban when the Enemy of Classic WoW releases a slightly different variation of his to get around Blizzard’s code changes.