Mr GM posted a more detailed review of the addon:
In summary:
- It has an auto-invite feature
- It will auto-spam chat channels (you and the invited party members)
- It can communicate with other users of the addon WITHOUT posting anything to a chat channel
- It will post your spec (how many points you allocated in each tree
People trying to downplay this as “just a chat parser” are being disingenuous.
If you don’t use this addon, you will be at an extreme advantage in getting into groups. Want to play a meme spec? Other players will now know, decreasing the likelihood of you getting invited.
This is terrible and not within the spirit of WoW.
We simply can’t say, “Don’t use it!” because you will now be at a huge disadvantage at finding groups if this exists.
Blizzard must break this.
Please add your voice in multiple venues to get Blizzard to investigate and hopefully ban this addon.
The addon claims it won’t have automatic group matchmaking.
Automatically inviting/accepting invites has always been a thing and that isn’t a problem.
I really dont see a problem with this addon. Beats spamming trade chat for ppl who arent in guilds.
Funny how it actually has the exact functionality and the addon developer admitted to this and is now desperately trying to save his project by reverting a bunch of these things.
I wish you couldn’t quote someone mid-edit. C’est la vie. My other version felt antagonistic and it wasn’t meant to be. But regardless my point stands.
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The only “bad” thing that exists is the auto invite.
Everything else can already be done by a third party.
I thought this was the classic forum, why are you posting a video from BFA?
Oh… wait this is a just click bait fear mongering and isn’t an actual video of the classic add on.
For those saying there is a different version for Classic and retail…they were lying. Developer even admitted to it.
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It does spam trade chat. Did you watch the video? It spams all chats and when people reply the word invite its invites them. So this is how it breaks immersion. Instead of you interacting with people in the chats and picking your group, you can walk away and let the addon do it. Totally game breaking!!!
Yeah i know it does. Thats why i wrote its better than u sitting there just spamming it on keyboard, u get to multitask, perhaps farm some stuff as opposed to type the same LFG/LFM message all the time. Im looking to burn thru ll 60 as fast as i can coz ive done it in vanilla but too late unfortunately before TBC came out so lvl 60 gameplay is all i care about really. anything that helps me get there faster is good by me.
If these types of addons make it into the game I’m going to be bummed
Great addon and very intuitive. The more you guys post about it the more I learn and the more excited I get to be able to use such a great player created feature. Well done creator.
If classic turns into BFA with this addon. I will want a refund from Blizzard.
I don’t think he is desperately tying to save his project like you are implying here
Just saying, its certainly a heated debate but I don’t think the addon author is on the ropes.
You all do realize that the addon isn’t made of diamond or titanium right? Delete out the lines for auto-invite, and reinforce its usage of chat channels to communicate.
As for talent allocation inspection, sucks to suck. Your group SHOULD know what points you have put into where. You are playing in a group and it is selfish to withhold such information from others on how effectively you are able to perform.
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Why is someone who doesn’t have the ability to run the addon on the Classic client choosing to run it on the BFA client fear-mongering?
It’s literally the same addon. I have BFA addons that were not changed that I used in the Classic stress test.
It works the same way in classic as it does in BFA. You’re spreading lies to support your argument while regurgitating “fear-mongering” over and over.
Here he comes to save the day, the LFR Forum heroooooooo. Imagine only doing lfr and wanting a dungeon finder addon.
wait…this addon is in bfa why would anyone need a LFG addon for bfa doesn’t it already come with that built in to the game??