LFG Addon - an extensive look (it’s very bad!)

Private server experience disagrees with you but if addon devs want to poison the experience to add retail QoL, you may eventually be right.

No. That’s not what happened.

I wasn’t aware of the inter-app communication. So from my point of view, if ClassicLFG just parses /4 with a UI, that’s perfectly fine with me.

But if they break inter-app communication across the board, it’ll be far more detrimental to the game.

Irrelevant. Next.

Hmm, despite me posting a video and summary showcasing this.

Oh right. I almost forgot your misinformation campaign of you stating that it was a BfA Class LFG addon rofl.

Hmmm…the video was inconclusive.

Starman- you appear to be a pretty sharp individual that does their homework. I have a hard time believing you didn’t know exactly how that addon worked. You don’t let much slip past you.

Look at the video. It’s inconclusive. How does the video show that it’s using inter-app communication? I thought it was just parsing chat.

Anyways. See ya in Classic. Look up Leecher. Later Gator!

That’s it? Well, thanks for proving my point.

I wasn’t talking about the video, you were. Blizzard has made their decision to put restrictions on the Addon. Not much left to discuss until Blizzard makes their next move. Be well Starman!

What private server experience? The experience that has been rebalancing things because they felt it was more authentic?

And rebalancing things like actual gameplay not just an interface for group finding? Yeah the private servers cared at all about the experience, I guess that’s why they blatantly sold real P2W things.

Actually it was:


A lot of people conveniently ignore the situation or just blindly accept the information given to them by others. Research for yourself. Check the comments on that addon’s page. Earliest post was during Summer 2006. It was a thing during vanilla. Unfortunately, people will goalpost and state within even the same post, “that such addons didn’t exist, but if they did they did not have the reach that this one could have”. All-encompassing statements as such are lawyerish and dismissive.

I would like to see the addon exist but for only one reason. Guilds should be the means of your interaction in the game. However almost everyone has been in a guild where there is no one willingly to do content with you (for a variety of reasons), the ClassicLFG addon would serve as a backup tool to help you do content with others interested in what you are interested in, and cut down on the footwork so you can get quicker to playing the game. Standing around, typing in chat is not playing the game.

The first video didn’t show much, but they had a second video where they were able to turn off any chat features the addon had and completely function just with other users of the addon. No whispers or chat channels were ever used.

I don’t want to insult the author of the addon because it was very well-written, but I feel like we was deliberately disingenuous about the capabilities of the addon after all of this drama was started. It seems he was also really pushing that it just parsed the chat and never wanted to mention that it could function entirely without it and that it had an option allowing it to do so.

Either way, I’m sure it won’t be long after the patch that breaks it that he has something working. The blue post sounded like it primarily took issue with the fact that it could function as a standalone LFG tool without the chat, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s all they break.

And that’s cool.

I didn’t watch the second video because, let’s face it, it seemed more “pile on the rabbit” at that point.

I understand all that, really. I also understand why wow said they wuld break that type of gameplay. I ahve friends in retail even after all the QoL but sometimes its nice to go solo. If im perfectly honest i wuld be fine with an LFG tool that didnt port u and wasnt cross realm in classic. But i get why ppl dont want that. At the end of the day its all good.