LFG Addon - an extensive look (it’s very bad!)

We’ve had enough conversation about this that hopefully Blizzard will at least revisit it. I’m not optimistic, but a girl can dream.


Dude, don’t be a fanboy man. You make MrGM look bad when you come from his stream to attack people like this by restating what he said on stream :confused:


It works on both clients. Several addons will.

Reported as spam. You don’t need to post ANOTHER thread on this.


look at my history, been fighting about this for 24 hours, dont assume I am watching MrGM.

The other threads keep reaching post counts in the thousands.

Apparently this is something people want to talk about.

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Well it comes off spammy and desperate.

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You didn’t quote his entire post.

I don’t have a different version for classic of the addon no. But like I already explained, the auto invite was intended for custom groups as there is no point in using it for a dungeon and will be change before the release to reflect that.

Quite a bit different than what you are saying he said isn’t it? If you are having to lie to prove a point then that point is probably not valid to begin with.


Yep and by definition starting a new thread while there is already an active one going on the exact same video is spam.


It is desperate, we have 3 days to convince blizzard to kill this addon.

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It’s a different video.

Maybe you should watch it?


No, you have way more time than that. Just because it goes live does not mean that an addon can not be broken or C&Ded post launch.

Blizzard could be wanting to see how things play out post launch before taking action, though that is just an assumption.

In before 404’d

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Agreed. I highly doubt they do anything about it, especially if they remove the auto-invite feature as the author claims, but if they do I doubt it’s before launch.

I want random whispers asking if i wanted to heal Dumgeon X while out questing on my priest just like in vanilla.


Apparently you haven’t heard of trends, they have 1 chance to get this right. If this addon releases with the client. All their marketing goes down the toilet.

It’s fine L2P

Video too damning?

I saw enough to see it’s the same basic video from BFA and as such not even relevant to classic in the first place.

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because we needed yet another thread on this topic?

1.3 introduced meeting stones that placed you in a dungeon queu and attempted to make a group for you.

1.5 introduced this same feature to inn keepers.

Stop saying it’s not in the spirit of classic when the functionality was already there.

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