LFD solved the Boosting Problem

I hate to be the one to tell you. But you have a screw or two loose.

I have no idea what make believe world you live in. I have played this game since original. Not day 1 but long enough to have been part if the original vanilla.

Yes wow went downhill. But it als imprived in a lot of areas. Lfd and dual spec are just a few. Unecessary time sinks are absolutley a part of rpgs. But also are areas that every game designer tries new ideas to improve. Amd they did improve one area if wasted time and that is lfd. 100% improvement to the normal process.

I do believe that you actually believe what you are saying is true. Therefore i dont think you are stupid, but i do think you have some mental problems going in that dont allow you to accept reality. Ask anyone that wants lfd what the number ine reason they want it for. That overwhelming response will be the reduced time in forming a group. But you cant accept that. Lol. Ok.

Give it up. You are making a fool if yourself.