LFD kick abusers have made the WoW experience miserable for my friend

Correct! Tough I still don’t believe that happens. It’s just something that you’ve clung onto as you have zero real argument here.

But you’re definitely going to keep arguing for reasons!

Wait, I thought you put me on ignore?!?!? Why reply if my “opinions” are meaningless to you? You certainly post like you’re upset over the fact that you’re wrong.


chirp chirp

One detail that is vomitously intriguing is…Im seeing the SAME persons in here who are ok with abusing fellow players in game who are also the ones pushing flag abuse in here.
Just noticed that over the last day or so.
Evidently we have a small group who defend flagging ‘for any reason’ who also defend kicking their fellow gamers out of a group for NO GOOD reason, causing them a half hour punishment they didnt deserve.

Starting to think this is more than a video game thing, to be quite honest.

I’m not trying to be mean, but I don’t think I’ve ever been kicked out of a levelling dungeon.
And I took an old low level DK I had not long ago and queued right away with a friend. With all the scaling and squeeshing, this toon was severely undergeared, basically naked, dying to the slightlest breath that came my way (and I was tanking). It took me several runs just to get enough basic gear to be able to not die several times a run (using all my defensives and all).
My friend didn’t have any idea how to use his toon either.
I get you can get a kick or two during the whole process, but to be consistently kicked… I don’t know, sounds exaggerated.

How many times would you put up with a tank who hadn’t learned about the bear, which I learned about in the first video I watched? Stopping to look at the map and trying to figure out which boss should be next and how to get there? I get that dps can just try to fake it (hopefully) while following the tank and the other players. My goal in investing time in learning the dungeon is to be able to tank it without anybody guessing I’ve never stepped foot in it before. I’m pretty sure you’d kick a tank who behaved otherwise.

Old anecdote I read somewhere: A new player who was a feral decided to try dungeons. He had no idea what he should do, but there was another cat there, and he figured he’d just do what that guy was doing and everything would be okay, which it was. Later he realized the “other cat” was probably a hunter pet.

I think people would have less tolerance for a healer who didn’t appear to know how to heal. I was in a heroic dungeon a month ago where the healer only cast regrowth.

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Let’s not forget that basically everyone agrees that acting like a problem child is a valid reason to get kicked.

Given how Lio behaves on the forums, I suspect this might be related.

/takes note that you also have your own definition of “flag abuse”.

Blizzard only sees flag-abuse as someone who uses their alts to flag the same post multiple times. Not as a player reporting a post that they feel violates the rules.

Yes, technically people can indeed flag for any reason. It’s why we have such a limited number of flags. It’s also why we need the forums to change to a single login entity to prevent people from hopping onto alts to actually abuse the flag system.

Was that for me? It certainly lends to your childish behaviour here on the forums unfortunately.


When i wanted to try tanking, I played as DPS and watched the GOOD tanks…ie the ones who didnt showboat and were methodical about getting the run done right and moderately quickly.
Obviously the clown tanks should be ignored and the run gotten over with quickly to get away from their showboating garbage ASAP, lol

A few runs and I tried it and It was fine. Never had a complaint about tanking. Though for me its the most BORRRING role in the entire game. lol.
Healing is great because I can heal and DPS at the same time. Keeps the mind busy.

I think in game experience, watching the good tanks is likely a very good way to learn the basics.

Enough for one dungeon (sometimes.)

(And yes, +8 key is a valid place to learn, cause I’ve done the same.)

lol…looks as if one of these jokers THOUGHT you were responding to me :joy:.
I can count MY kicks over nearly SEVEN years in this game on less than one hand…so the railing one above missed the mark yet again :rofl:

I was responding to OP. I’m not following 400+ messages.

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Aren’t there better things to argue for that you also don’t personally experience? Go do some real world activism.

This is the longest someone has argued for something that doesn’t really affect them.

yeah, it was VERY easy to figure that out.
that one who responded to you is OBSESSED with my person so he just went straight to ME when he saw you responded AFTER me instead of reading what you said.
It was VERY easily seen as being directed at the OP here by pretty much any one

They know I have them ignored, which evidently drives them up a wall for some reason

You still reply, so why should I care if you decided to hit the ignore button then always take the extra step to read messages?

You keep bringing up how you aren’t affected (really) and don’t really use the feature yourself.

And the easiest way to solve it is to just remove LFD. Forcing some kind of review on vote-kicks is more of a benefit the people who do need to be kicked than anything else.

The way you keep replying puts that in question.

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I did want to respond to this point.
if one is being kicked a lot, its likely one might need to figure out if they are doing something wrong or irritating other players somehow.
I dont think the vote kicking is so out of control that if one is running random groups all day long that it would be possible to be kicked by so many different groups.

If one is being kicked a lot, it pretty much has to be them thats doing something…or not doing something…thats drawing attention from other players.

The kick is there for a good reason. I think we can ALL agree with that.
But if you did take some time to read this thread and others like it, you’d see that there is a group here who continually obsess about this topic and a couple others who evidently didnt actually READ that Social Contract they agreed to…who think its funny to kick fellow players out of a group without ANY just cause.

So the kick is good. But like any other feature, it can be used for things it wasnt orginally designed for.

and as you can see…he proved my point lol

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I still think it’s more likely that they’re just hyperboling too much to back their point up, and that in reality they were just kicked very few times, but yeah, IF it’s true that they’re consistently kicked, then there’s definitely a problem on their side.

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Very possible. We do have some very dramatic sorts about this place at times. lol

You really don’t see the irony in that statement do you. You have 42 more posts than the second highest poster in this thread. In fact, it’s almost double the second highest poster. You certainly do obsess over this.

I don’t recall anyone saying that found it funny. What people have said is that it doesn’t violate any rules. As for the social contract, again, if you’re struggling with it, by all means post in the CS forums. I’m sure a blue will help you with it.


more than poster 2 and 3 combined.

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You literally post hyperbolic strawman replies in every second post you make. What planet are you from?


Sound familiar?

Ive gotta think you’re intentionally trying to come across as dense for some reason, although I can’t imagine what you get out of it.

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