I got kicked. Veteran player for playing disc for the first time because the over geared monk tank mega pulled and i couldnt outheal the stagger with no mobs
you may as well stop posting at me now.
Ive put you on ignore for no VALID reason…and I can justify doing it using the same argument you all use when you vote kick players ‘just because muh can’.
Imagine calling someone else toxic while writing a page post for trying to learn the game jn a leveling dungeon. The place where you should realistically should be learning. No one should be expected to look at icy veins and wow head prior to gwtting into non automatically formed groups. Thats just silly. No one or two player ever caused a level, normal or heroic dungeon to be impossible.
Its just silly everyone here who is expecting mythic plus and mythic raid level prep to do lfd lol
I may be wrong on this, but I dont think Blizzard has any data on performance or how well you do.
DPS, Interupts, HPS, all that info is stored locally on your computer/client side. The information Detials holds/combat logging holds is stored on your pc. Blizzard doesn’t have that information nor stores any of it.
There would be no way for them to see if you’re doing “Average New Player” performance.
Theres Websites that track your ranking well for mythic+ raids etc (not sure about dungeons because never really checked ) Like parses on season of discovery
Players upload that information online.
Combat logging saves that information to your computer, then players upload the saved file to thier website.
There is no balance lol. 0.
Then im sure blizzard can do the same
Imagine suggesting people to learn about some of the bosses abilities from the Dungeon Journal. Who would suggest that, evil person!
you are not expected, but don’t blame others for not tolerating your poor gameplay which repeatedly leads to wipes because you don’t know how to fast learn, on the fly, how to beat a boss that was released 16 years ago.
Do you have statistics to back up your claim or is it just exaggeration? Because I have had my share of experiences and I can tell for sure that I lost the count of times back then when it happened.
I am telling my experience with the expectation as it was back then.
Someone constantly dying, failing to basic game mechanics, yeah, it was an instant vote kick. In fact, back then if the tank would suggest kicking someone, the group would usually support it unless it was their friends.
So no, it is your distorted notion that people are expected to have Mythic+ experience to do a Cataclysm Classic dungeon (this is not Retail which OP is talking about, it is Cataclysm Classic!).
And to add to this…if someone is actually here saying its ok to vote kick M+ players or mythic raiders for no good reason, Imma have to laugh hysterically about that hoax.
No one is vote kicking M+ players for no reason. Dont even go there.
No one is kicking end game raiders without a reason. dont waste my time with it.
Factually the kicks are happening in trash content that doesnt even need a full team to complete lol.
Which means the kicks arent about completing the content at all.
Likely just wannabes who evidently arent good enough at the game to get into M+ or a good raiding guild taking their rage out on newbie WoW players.
I mean every game you start with wipes as a new player, kick protection should be ON until they’re no longer new players (Kick immunity)
Combat logging a small raid is enough to cause performace drops in your computer unless you have a strong machine and good internet.
Combat logging everyone all the time would be a nightmare from a technical view point.
I think that’s valid for retail, I mean you can run the follower dungeon until you learn the mechanics.
On Cataclysm classic (which is the case of OP), I think that’s a bit more complicated.
lol. Dont know how I missed this gem of truth lol
Spot on target.
Being bad at the game is not a disability no matter what words you highlight. I thought that was explained to you already?
My good panda, you cannot be vote kicked from a player made group. Vote kicks are exclusively for groups made by Blizzard through lfdungeons/raids
Last night I was in a heroic ATSC that was just blasting through bosses but the 528 guys kept rolling on gear and that made the raid organizers big mad because they needed the gear and they kicked all the best players and we couldn’t make it past shadow so that was fun.
Sitting here pondering this vote kick thing while Im farming rares.
I think what will resolve this for me is pretty easy.
What I will accept is a Blue who knows the ins and outs of the history of the vote kick coming by and laying out very clearly that YES, blizzard designed the vote kick with removing players from groups SPECIFICALLY over petty stuff like their transmog choices, character race, etc…and it wasnt about removing problematic players…ie they didnt really have that in mind when they created the vote kick.
NOT ALLOWS it, but DESIGNED IT with that being the specific intent…
I think if a Blue will confirm that blizzards thought process WHEN the vote kick was being set up that they INTENDED for us to use it to kick players who …
- werent causing any problems,
- werent sorely deficient in game play,
- werent dying over and over to mechanics,
- werent trolling the group by pulling for the tank,
- werent cussing at everyone in the chat box,
- werent AFK
- or being problematic in some other way that literally was HINDERING the group…
if blue wants to correct me and say that the vote kick was SPEFICALLY DESIGNED to remove players who werent causing ANY problems and were playing suffiently to get the instance done in a timely fashion…and can show some evidence I missed from the timeframe…I might be inclined to believe that thats the case.
That said…IF this can be stated AND proven with evidence from the time period, its literally going to show that BLIZZARD is the cause of the ill behavior in the game because they would have encouraged…condoned…promoted that behavior by telling players EXPRESSLY…“GO KICK ANYONE YOU DONT LIKE REGARDLESS OF THEIR PERFORMANCE” which obviousy would have given license for the behavior…even if WE didnt have to actually play along.
somehow I doubt such evidence exists.
I mean, many of you are claiming its FOR kicking for no reason at all and was DESIGNED for that, so Im sure we can maybe get someone to confirm it who was there and saw the thought processes I mention above in play when making the vote kick.
the few people who kick just for fun are so rare.
Most people are either causing problems or deficient in their gameplay.
talk at someone else lol