LFD kick abusers have made the WoW experience miserable for my friend

You two, Check this out https://youtu.be/xXhm2t0sHQs

  • Proof that you can kick for no LEGIT reason and system is more than dumb (don’t worry i apologized to that person)
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Lmao…discord flaggers at they games again :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

What was the point of that video? People can kick for no reason and more people don’t read? We already knew that though…

Well someone needed proof more than just talking

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and yes, froggers still advancing :dracthyr_crylaugh:

They LOOOOVE to tell you it dont happen…while they litearlly screeching that they DO it and got daddy bliz’s thumbs up while theyre doing it :joy::joy:

I mean its a very toxic behaviour and me being anti toxic made me wanna hurt myself for kicking him


Nobody ever said it never happened though…

You’re making a chicken out of a feather, don’t even know what are you on about

Won’t lie…didn’t give that video the click.

Don’t need to, because it’s not against the rules to kick for ANY reason at all. Nor should it be.

Thankfully, we also have the option to make our own groups of amazing people that we’d never kick, or terrible people that we’d never kick…randos that we’d never kick…that’s how custom made groups work! YAY!

Additionally, we can choose to vote against kicks! It’s amazing!

I still don’t think that’s proof. How do I know those aren’t your friends?

But thanks for the video. I hope you didn’t waste much time making it.

You’re complaining about something that seldom happens and has no fix except to change the whole community from inside. Blizzard cannot do anything.

Yes it happens. Deal with it.

wait did you seriously just make a video and kick someone to show that people can be kicked with nonsense typed into the box?


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What can you say for someone who is anti social 0 friends (which is 70% of the population) (30% Social are on RP realms)

I don’t have friends, i have one lover and its enough

its almost instant 2nd try tbh

  • First try was on a warlock, he said on chat why you trying to kick me? (maybe his premade told him)
    So 2nd try succed because of Solo players and that lead us to … this girl quote:

You gotta make sacrifice to make america great again i mean world of warcraft
(i’ll give him 6 legendery gems so you don’t have to feel sorry for that one)

I say that it happens too rarely to go up in arms about it, and that the alternative is way more terrifying.


Again, it’s not abuse. Blizzard has already clarified this themselves:

If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.

Read above.

laughably, we are talking LOWER, EASY content…soyou are right…they ARENT CARRYING anyone, because that content doesnt even need 5 players to run in the first place.
They act like they are having to work harder to run it L O L…no, they arent.
Ive seen more than one tank burn thru leveling dungeons like he was on fire, way out of healer range, its been bad enough that ive literally just bailed on a few of them…or I just pick flowers and never fire a shot since he can clearly solo the place and doesnt need any help lol

Jump up to current content and even my low rent self has been soloing dungeons for a while now. Saying they are carrying anyone is an abject joke…because they arent even paying attention if someones DPS isnt up to snuff when they are burning down mobs because they dont NEED that 3rd DPS player in the first place.

Every excuse they make is just that…an excuse for bad behavior to mistreat other wow players.

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I dont need to read anything son…i spent a few days reading the material FROM THE TIMEFRAME. lol.
ALLOWING you to kick for no reason…son…is NOT AN ENDORSEMENT to do it from the company.
That you think it is tells US what YOU think of blizzard and staff, Id say.

being ALLOWED to abuse other wow players because bliz cant afford to open up the ticket system for kick abuse doesnt mean blizzard CONDONES the behavior…PERIOD

and IN FACT, that Social Contract YOU AGREED to tells us NOT to abuse other players.
Kicking someone for NO reason IS abuse of the intent of the system AND abusing that player… END of story.

I think I missed that part that says “WE APPROVE OF YOU KICKING PLAYERS FOR NO GOOD REASON” in that.

now, as I said above…anyone pushing this nonsense was going to be ignored…and you will be right now.


So? That was then and this is now.

Is exactly what Blizzard deems as acceptable. I’m sorry that you’re once again being the problem and feel as if that shouldn’t be the case, but it is. Cheers. Oh, and take this flag with you.

Side note: please stop harassing users in these forums. I know that is kind of your “thing” here, but it’s against Blizzard’s Code of Conduct. Oh right, you “don’t need to read anything”. Well, maybe you should at least read the rules of the platform you’re using.