LF Old Friends either from the guild Blackwater or PvP Incorporated

Just as the title says, I am looking for old friends I use to pvp with either from Blackwater or Pvp Incorporated. Hit me up if you were ever part of one of these guilds and if u know what happened to Leonariasdk.


I remember both these guilds and especially Leanariasdk, but no I don’t know where he got to. I remember they were busy fun guilds back in the day, miss that


Some epic battles

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Yea there were some big world pvp fights between the two which made me fall in love with the game.

what were yalls main toon names back then?

I had a rogue named Kraptacular. He lived up to his name.

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haha well back then, as compared to now anyway, i think most people were kraptacular lol

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Ha well there was those 2 druids from Blood bath and beyond that were unreal deadly in pvp
Iamnatman and Gnuttyskull

Yep I remember them, Iamnatman use to be my buddy and gnutty i think still plays the game.


Yeah I see they are a different realm now. Same guild name. I also see Leonarisadk plays still on a different realm.

really? what realm? do you have his real id?

No I will look it up again.

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man, ty. Id very much appreciate getting that info. trying to reconnect with him

Yeah ok that’s weird. I was looking like 2 nights ago and found him on some realm I can’t remember now.

It had to be him, it was a DK at 120 with the same exact name. Can’t be coincidence.
But now damn nothing.

all good man, eventually he will pop up. always does

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Mmm, good times.

I’ve not heard from Leo in ages. Him and the BW crew were always fun to run into back in the day. :v:


yea man its been a while, world pvp was always our thing. Leo loved it. I remember seeing you and gnutty out there all the time too. Im hoping he shows up sometime soon. With classic coming out, there’s been no greater opportunity for world pvp

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Still Kicking here…Not on the same realm anymore. TBH I haven’t played retail much at all in BFA.(RL things yada yada yada) I’m do however plan on dusting off the keyboard to play classic. Switching things up a bit though. Playing a whole different class, race and faction. With the same old friends and some new ones. Mix all that with the same Wpvp tenacity and it should be pretty enjoyable again. Glad to see you back at it Ganse.


Badknite is Gnuttyskull BTW… (he can’t forum worth a ****) :stuck_out_tongue:

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Back at ya buddy! and thanks Nat lol. Do yall know what server and faction your playing yet for classic?

Speaking of old time players, I wonder if good Ole “Bunchy” is gonna come back for Classic? you remember Bunchy? he was the alliance toon that would park his mount right over top of the mailbox so you couldn’t click on the mail. haa a true troll.

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