LF Casual Horde Guild - Stalagg

Looking for a fairly casual guild to join as Horde on Stalagg.

I’ve done a fair bit of raiding from vanilla to BFA (with a gap in Cata to MoP) but now do not have the time for a lengthy raid schedule. If possible would prefer to raid after 7pm cst 1-2 days a week.

Most important thing to me though is no drama. I’d like to help the guild as I can and am here to enjoy with others, not fight over gear/raid spot/etc…

I’m not decided between mainly Warr/Rogue/Shaman/Hunter but would really be willing to play what class the guild is lacking enough of.

If anyone has something like this and is looking for more members please send me an invite :slight_smile:

Hope ya find a home just giving you an option

You seem like a good group to join, I’d be happy to join you.

Your post said you’re looking for mainly damage and healers, any preference?

If your other option(s) don’t work out, check out our post! <Remnant> | Stalagg Horde | Casual/Social/Raiding Later

I’m not advertising my guild as a drama free/casual guild, but your selflessness and ability to cater to the needs of the guild may be an attribute of value as long as you can accept feedback and grow as a player. Iv’e mained a rogue for like 10 years but now I’m playing resto sham with like herb/alch because they are highly useful.

From a utility standpoint I would pick up either Warrior for top tier DPS and Tanking specs or Resto Sham (you seem more like a healer type than a tank type, and I can teach you what I learn as I am hard into the books on how to heal as resto). There will be 100 rogues, no one will need them, and hunters are “ok” but there will be 100 of them too.


Thank you all for the replies.