Stalagg - (H) TDB

The Darkness Below is recruiting more players for Classic as we have come to the conclusion to roll on Stalagg. Little info about us is we were once a server 2nd guild focused hard on progression and spending a lot of time on WoW. Those days are FAR behind us now. Most of us are full time job working adults some with kids (one with his 1st on the way so grats to him). We are a CASUAL group, not semi - hardcore (though they tend to never be semi either full on hardcore with less days or casual hiding behind that name) or full on elitest mode.

We love our group as we all are family in a sense, we have been chatting / gaming together for 6 + years now. We also understand Classic is not going to be the ULTRA hardcore event it was when we were all noobs and had no idea how to efficiently play our class specs. We are looking for people who want to make memories, have laughs and maybe become members of our group when we reminisce about past days when eventually this moves on and we laugh about the old times.

WARNING- WE ARE NOT PC AT ALL. What we expect is for you to be a adult, and by that mean I shouldn’t have to babysit you or others, don’t cry at everything lil thing that offends you or upsets you grow some thick skin and learn to deal with it. Now if a joke or something goes to far we might be like hey chill out a bit (very rare think only 1 time in 6 years) but in the end we are all trying to have laughs and enjoyment.

Raids we focus as we don’t put many hours (usually 2-3 a night depending on how we schedule) in we just push try to achieve what we can then go to bed or relax. Days will be Friday & Saturday evenings-nights (times not yet posted because we will be worried about leveling 1st not raiding). Also we will be using a KSK Suicide King loot system as in our experience we found it is the most fair for newer members and veteran members as new members don’t have a massive DKP disadvantage in that system and in Loot Council don’t have the issue of some raiders feeling the council favors others or is corrupted like most loot councils I have seen.

Right now immediately DPS and Heals seem to be the most open it looks like we currently have our tanks already situated, again we will not be power leveling through this to get to MC 1st and clear it, we are going to enjoy the journey, enjoy the challenge and enjoy just playing with friends. If this is something you would like to be a part of I welcome you to try us out and see if we are a fit for you.

You can find me on Discord
TY for the read hope to see you soon

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one of us one of us one of us

Just a lil vid what our group is like just relaxing and enjoyable stuff

Just friendly nudge up

<3 lol 10 character min

To the moon

Just a morning bump

Afternoon bump

Night movement

Morning edition

Early afternoon edition

I’m interested. Hit me up with a Dm.
My discord is Alairen#9700

Just sent ya one man…lol work overnights during the week so hard ti catch these till late sometimes

Mornings edition

Afternoon edition

bump to the top

afternoon bump…getting close brothers

The night before classic

bored in que bump

Guild is live whisper anyone for a invite