Leveling speed is creating inexperienced max levels and leading to content nerfs as well as toxic endgame

Yea but for 80% of the player base they arent going to take the time to look at them. you should realize you are probably one of the top-tier gamers and expecting all of the players to be the same level gamer as you is an unrealistic expectation.

So if a person isn’t trying to get better, isn’t trying to find a guild.

Its not the community leaving them behind. Its the person keeping themselves behind.


I don’t know how this becomes the theory when people didn’t know how to play their classes all the way back in Vanilla when leveling was slower. There are more resources to get to know your class now than ever.

I hit cap in one sitting in cata, while I agree with your premise (people were getting server first achievements for max level content when I was still in Dragonblight), Cata went by insanely fast compared to WOTLK/TBC.

If the game is getting nerf and you feel, it’s becoming too easy it’s probably because you are an above average gamer. Games will always try and adjust themselves to the average gamer so if you are above average, you may feel the game is too easy. The moment you take the time to read a build guide or watch a YouTube video on a raid that puts you in with the above average gamers.

changing the leveling speed or anything of that nature will not change the root of the problem. You need to understand you are not an average gamer you are performing above average and you are expecting everyone else to perform above average as well.

Once again.


I am not sure you are responding to the correct person maybe?

Where am I doing this

I get what you’re saying
but you butchered the meaning of that quote. The quote is not “A jack of all trades is a master of none.” - implying that spreading widely neglects growing deeply, the full quote is “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but still better than a master of one.”

It means that having a broad base of skills is better than having just one thing you’re good at.

1:) Since there is an inconsistent visual language that can change, not just dungeon to dungeon, not just encounter to encounter, but phase to phase, yes inexperience is going to be a problem.

2:) We do have class guides for people willing to learn that go over all their buttons and talents, in written and video and audio forms, so if people do want to learn their class they can.

3:) Some content does need to be nerfed. Healers have eaten a total aggregate of 80% just raw numerical nerfs before you get into any intrinsic stuff like mana, mana regen, etc, while getting no new tools to handle mechanics (except for disc priest but the argument is that it was more of a parity thing than a new tool), so yea sometimes the numbers are just too dang high.

4:) I appreciate their renewed philosophy of wanting to buff players to meet content where it is rather than nerf the content, and as much as I enjoy buffs (buff me harder) I just want them to use the right tool for the right job. Sometimes that is buffing players, sometimes that is a full class redesign, sometimes that is nerfing content.

You’re taking the game too seriously. You seem like a very experienced player with a fully geared toon or two. Instead of complaining about the aspects of the game and its players, why not use your experience to help and lead others in mythic dungeons or raids. It would surely be appreciated.

Or, enjoy the fact that you likely have a fully geared toon that could totally destroy the majority of max level noobs that you come across in battlegrounds or world pvp with ease, even if they all team up against you.

Don’t complain. Enjoy the power.

This is also good advice. I find the only class this can be a little troublesome on is druid.

how much time you spend whittling away leveling has nothing to do with how good you’ll play a class by max level.

you learn nothing about rotation or actual endgame mechanics through leveling.

if anything, leveling needs to be overhauled so it isnt absolute crap and DOES teach you how to play.

making it longer just annoys everybody.

Have an optional trainer NPC with challenges for each unlocked ability, teaching you how it works and how to integrate it with your rotation in a very short duel with them. Completing these challenges should reward a generous amount of XP to incentivize players to actually doing it, without punishing others for not doing it.

Faster leveling? Sure, no complaints here.

There’s definitely a vocal group that wants content they can do once, outgrow, and never do again. Slower leveling would give people that option. It’s just not sustainable long term. Like a retail-season-of-discovery leveling mode be cool, maybe.

I wouldn’t expect it to happen any time soon though. Ion just now finally realized m+ is where his biscuit is buttered. Which do you think will happen first? SOD season 16 or retail SOD?

I still don’t see the point, as this can also be achieved with the systems we have currently.

You’re technically right, but it IS responsible for players that know nothing. My best friend, whom had never played this, hit level 70 without knowing what an interrupt was. She’d never even come close to dying while leveling, and never had to resort to using defensive abilities or self-healing.

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Perhaps Blizzard wouldn’t need to nerf content so much if they didn’t balance around the RWF.

There’s a limit with how much leveling can make you learn and to be fair level boost are not going away so if there’s anything there should be something that helps you learn at max level and for me that was proving grounds. In wod where they made proving grounds silver needed to queue heroics dungeons it’s probably the time where I had the best pugs in LFD. While for sure it wasn’t popular with people that just couldn’t manage to do silver proving grounds and didn’t even want to try to get better.

The people advocating against making the leveling part of the game better just completely baffle me.

Retail has attracted some of the worst MMO gamers I have ever come across.

Bottom line, the leveling experience is toothless and boring experience for all gamers. Blizzard has dumb down the world content so much that you don’t even have to pay attention to what you are doing.

This is the main reason why WoW can’t keep new players, they flame out either in the leveling, or they use their boosted character to afk their way through LFR and normal raids.

This kind of design might have worked years ago trying to attract grama to play the game, but modern gamers are just so much better at gaming. Having the bulk of your game just be completely faceroll is just bad design.

Most of WoW these days is not an engaging experience for both vets and new players.

I personally think this game is on life support, and the current devs are only trying to keep the remaining veteran player base happy. I seriously doubt Blizzard wants to spend any resources on anything other than new raids and pumping out Timeless Isle zones post launch.

And I have no issue with revamping the leveling process.

But is anyone saying that leveling shouldnt be better?

I think we are all pretty generally unanimous that the process is lacking. Some just disagree with the best way forward. Merely making mobs have more health/damage isnt ideal imho. Making it just arbitrarily take longer isnt better either.

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