Leveling speed is creating inexperienced max levels and leading to content nerfs as well as toxic endgame

So, having them be completely toothless is better?

Why does leveling have to be fast?

Why does the “real game” have to just be M+ and raids?

No. I just think there is a middle ground.

I didnt say it had to be fast.

There are more than 2 choices. It doesnt have to be fast or take 3 months.

The slower leveling takes, the more Blizzard will profit through boosts.

From what I’ve seen its the sheer lack of a wanting to learn.

The amount of people I see that its VERY apparent they haven’t even read what an ability or talent does is insane.

Or you try to help and they just straight up have chat turned off. Which is great when you are in lfr. The other tank is spamming taunt and either not moving the boss or moving too much.

Sadly I don’t think we can go forward until they revamp the world.
There are too many zones. Too many paths. Too many quests.
Its not fluid.
I miss leveling prior to chromie time. At least it made sense. There was a path.

I mean for this, you could just have some sorta remix/chromie time type segment.

I think that aspect is a lot easier to manage than what I feel many are referring to with teaching people how to play.

People were inexperienced at max level from vanilla to today because they refuse to use resources available to them (that have only become easier to access over 20 years) and refuse to learn/want to “play the way they want”.

It isn’t Blizzard’s fault, it just dumb/stubborn people.

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I think we already have too many chromie times.
Like classic to wrath should be under one. Cata to literally legion. Bfa to now.
Nothing major happened between the majority of xpacs for them to be split so much.

Sadly I think teaching people to play would be easier.
But you can’t force them to read or practice their abilities without instance locking them until they do xyz. That would cause more problems.

Easy solution would be to bring back provint grounds. That way the ones that want to do harder content would know where they need to be.

Even worse. A lot of this stuff is ingame.

You dont need outside sources until you are trying to min/max/bis.

To be clear, it is equally as valid as your claim as nothing about anything you present objectively supports any position on the topic

Cant teach them to play in proving grounds until they get max level.

I remember when i first hit max lvl when i started playing.

I started vanilla but BC came out so I hit max lvl in BC

Riding through desolace for some reason on my war and getting a whisper “do you wanna tank mech”

Hmm sure i say. Never been there. Sure im specced arms. Sure i never tanked. But hey i had a shield in my bags

Get summed in. Charge the first pack. Die. Grp leaves.

Leveling taught me nothing.

Now this xpac i boosted a lock with my tww token. Had ksm in two weeks just pugging and ive never done lock in keys.

Soooooo not sure this argument hold water. Its actual grp experience where ppl will learn. Not whacking a boar in the barrens

There are 2200 dungeon score players who very clearly have no idea what their buttons do though.

You learn classes by playing them at max level. Only by playing them at max level. Levelling doesn’t teach you anything. Yes, levelling took a long time in vanilla compared to now. Other MMORPG’s made fun of WOW for being too “casual” and having “fast easy levelling” in vanilla btw. WOW has ALWAYS been casual. Levelling took a long time in vanilla because the game was new. Noone knew how anything worked. Levelling being a major part of the game stopped being a thing when TBC launched. Making levelling slower would just make a large portion of the playerbase quit.

Yea but you can get the jist while leveling.
Maybe slightly buff world mobs, by slight I mean like 5 to 10% damage/hp increase.
But unless you are doing end game content, it doesn’t really matter.

Right but those people used to be unable to complete like normal dungeons. They had blue gear at best. Now they’re in +8s and have aotc or a boss shy of it. Keep seeing 522 ilvl people who can’t beat my 525 tank in dps.

People who aren’t learning by leveling are the people OP is referring to. You definitely learn the playstyle while leveling, even if parts are broken until max talents.

I would say some play styles change completely from leveling to end game. And they operate as almost you are playing a completely different spec/class.


Tbh this is a self inflicted problem.
People have been complaining for yeeeeeeeeeears about leveling and how slow it was.
Blizz nerfed it every few years.
Now its too fast lol.

Heck even when it was a massive slog to level, people still didn’t learn or try to learn.
Like hunters have been barraging into open rooms as long as that spell has existed.
Changing leveling isn’t going to fix problems like that.

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i get what you are saying, the problem is it’s a lot better now then it was with the way heirlooms were, heck you could get to max level in a day with the massive exp boost.

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Retail and classic in leveling, unless you really like crapping away gold on leveling gear that is one drop away from an upgrade, goes off a simple model.

Use whatever drops, no enchants or gems…and jsut wing it till level cap.

Its at level cap you now make your dream build. its there you optimize and work out your actual play. Play around optimized gems, enchants and set bonuses if applicable.

For example…for hunters I level beast master. its the easier spec for this and a better one. BM gives better kitty tanks, its jsut made for it.

On level ding I then switch over to MM. I did/do this both games.