Leveling speed is creating inexperienced max levels and leading to content nerfs as well as toxic endgame

Blizzard is more focused on getting people to end game content to showcase new features than they are about refining the issues the core game has faced for a long time.

That being, boosting and leveling that is entirely too fast (pandering to alt farming no lifes and rep grinding) creating high levels noobs with poor or no class understanding or skill. Which doesnt lead to as much disruption as it will later on with the addition of High level delves. More complex class designs needing to be understood to compete or contribute to raids. dungeons pvp. etc.

It also creates a scenario where lower level content is neglected entirely. Bugs go unheeded entirely. The world AS A WHOLE is still set back in cataclysm??? It is completely outdated as is and then the speed of leveling makes it even more irrelevant seeing as most players, ESPECIALLY skilled or experienced ones blow through content without experiencing even a quarter of it. Without even NEEDING OR WANTING to experience it. no incentive at all.

Its focusing entirely on the end and the journey just ISNT there anymore. And it leads to most other issues. Toxic end game. Exclusion of new players. Elitism. Again. often having to nerf good content <

But the main point is. With the addition of warbands. This issue will become exacerbated (on top of more class complexity) as everyone will want as many alts as they can get as fast as they can regardless of how veteran or green they are.

A jack of all trades. is a master of none

And this will undermine the game as the world soul saga progresses and become more pronounced. more complexity more power. more skill ceiling. more interest in the game and more new players. but less skill.


The journey was the worst part. And hasnt been a major focus since Vanilla

No, the quicker leveling is not creating toxic end game, exclusion of players, elitism. Or responsible for nerfing content.


it is. simply saying “it isnt” is not proving my words wrong.


Content isn’t getting nerfed because people aren’t able to figure out their classes.
This is just something that you’ve made up and convinced yourself is true.

You don’t need to master a WoW class.
In fact those who are capable of playing every class at 90% probably have a better overall understanding of the game than someone who can 100% one particular spec.


You uh. Don’t see the irony there?
Saying “It is” is not proving your words correct.


The real journey starts at max level nowadays. 0-70 is time to gain a basic understanding of what your abilities do.


Can we once and for all dispel the notion, the myth, that protracted leveling teaches you how to play your class or skills in general? You could level to max in vanilla by speccing completely wrong and using a fraction of your toolkit. You can do the same in retail today. The burden is on the individual player to do research if they want to play optimally at the highest levels.

By the way, this holds true for any game, not just WoW.


The problem isn’t leveling speed as much as it’s that you basically can’t even do something basic like practice your rotation while leveling. Everything simply dies way too quickly.

Even just increasing mob HP and then also increasing XP gains across the board to compensate so the time to max level is roughly the same would help a fair bit.

Though I could bring up other stuff like how the game has very little feedback about if you’re doing things properly. By default in a leveling dungeon even if things took a bit longer to die, you’d still have no clue what your DPS was unless you had a third party add-on.


leveling never taught me a single damn thing about how to play any of my classes in any iteration of the game except maybe classic and bc where many classes were 1 button heroes. I can go even further and say max level heroic/m0 dungeons lfr/normal raids and world content also don’t adequately teach you what you need to know to be successful at higher levels of play, that’s something you can only obtain by actually playing at those levels.


Simply saying it is, is not proving your words right.


I really don’t see the point of making leveling slower, the only change that would stem from this would be people getting frustrated with how much slower it’d become.
the average player base will remain average. The amount of high end player will not increase because of it.


it does. You argue that max level teaches the class but it leads to high level players doing high level content and learning when they need to be performing thank you for making my point

the burden is on having six alts you got to max level in six weeks and didnt play any of them because youre making alts.

there are levels to this

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They need to make things more lethal. The fear of death is practically non-existent outside of instanced content. Increase the health and the lethality of mobs and this ‘problem’ fixes itself.


without reading your long text , i totally disagree with your title


How is someone still leveling supposed to practice their rotation when they don’t even have access to all of their skills, abilities, and talents yet?

Can’t they just use a target dummy in one of the major cities?

Nothing can teach you how to raid other than being in a raid. Learning comes first, then performing. Leveling is just getting you comfortable with your character, not teaching you the ins and outs of high level play, nor should it be.


like i said. leveling teaches the class. thanks for making my point. move on

Except it doesnt.

Its also ironic that you state quick leveling creates toxic people. Yet you are the most toxic person in the thread.


It teaches you the basics, which is all it’s supposed to do.

That was in response to learning rotations, not raid mechanics. If you want to learn basic mechanics you can just do a follower dungeon so you can practice both in a dungeon environment with mobs that fight back and don’t die in 2 seconds if you are not geared up.


Most specs get at least their core abilities pretty quickly.

It would be a thousand times better if it happens while playing the game normally.


You want a peer reviewed scholarly article about why your opinions and your fictitious scenarios are silly?

Sorry choom, you’re gonna have to get used to being disappointed.