Leveling speed is creating inexperienced max levels and leading to content nerfs as well as toxic endgame

As someone who has played since Vanilla, I do not agree with the notion that “leveling a Class gives you a better understanding.”

The specs have been reworked so often, leveling is meaningless to understanding your class. By the time you get max level, your spec might be totally revamped, like Combat and Survival.

Heck, anyone who leveled a Balance Druid during a previous expac has to learn whole new eclipse mechanics every expac.

I’ll take “No idea what they’re saying” for $500.
Leveling can, and is, a separate thing from the end game content. They do not add to eachother, not enjoying leveling doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy the rest of the game. I’m sure there’s plenty of people around right now with this sentiment.

that would be .00001% of the population that can do that.
obvious bad faith argument

It’s very straightforward. If your friends can’t handle leveling now, then they would be impossible to please unless they went straight from 60 > 70 when logging in.

But it does reveal how intolerant you are on progression. From leveling professions, acquiring renown, and anything that requires time, those people would have a problem with it.

Leveling can be a tool to teach players mechanics in the expansion they’re in, but also experiment with the new talents they accrue overtime. The trick is to make the enemies you face lethal enough for players to need to use their abilities.

That way, you slow progression naturally instead of artificially, and completing side quests has more benefits that blowing through a zone. Heck, throw in gear reward scarcity to make it even more interesting.

They can’t unless they make it all instanced content…

Most classes and specs have capstone talents that can completely change a rotation once you get them.

Making learning any rotation beforehand, useless.

Congrats. You learned a rotation that doesnt apply!


My guy, aren’t you following? It’s because he leveled so fast, try to keep up!

What? Yes, they can. Not everything has to be fed to you through a dungeon, lol.

Literally. Rotations arent linear from the start.
They often completely rearrange how youre supposed to do the rotation. Procs, passive, aoe or not. How do you practice a very large pull with missing abilities?

It really does given how kiting, los, and most mechanics work. You have a vague idea of “harder” content but are unable to visualize how it would occur.

Isn’t elder ring a single-player game? I honestly have no idea. I did mention mmos when I talked about difficulty which is important to understand in this context.

Put wall here
Have player aggro mob.
Mob starts casting.
Player runs behind wall.
Mob stops casting.

My god, so hard.

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I lvl from 1 just to get compfy with keybinds

If I may suggest, try to keep a regular set of keybinds. Kicks go on X, self heal on Y, CC on Z, main rotation filler on A, spender on B, etc. Make it consistent across characters to make learning smoother between characters.

I do but some classes have way more than others.

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I disagree. You have millions of players that leveled normally and still cant play the class properly. Raiders are just that. They have a goal, they have gear and they study the mechanics of the dungeons. What you do have is a bunch of old and new players racing to level toons so they can try other stuff. Nothing has changed, you just now feel you have something to blame for bad raid experiences. Ive been playing since BC and have tried raids and continually fail at them because I dont study the mechanics or look to see specifically what gear needs to get either dropped or made for me to progress Ilevel wise. That alone fights against itself, you have to farm endless hours and days to either get enough gold to buy the mats or keep running raids under geared while also not studying mechanics. What your post does point out is that an elite few raiders are willing to teach while the others complain about imperfections without knowing the why.
I think its about time blizzard started solo raids, now we have an opportunity to learn when we get a chance to and also see end game Cinemas. Like I said, the only thing that has changed is how fast we can level. Even with the nerfs, its not meant to be overwhelming in MOP remix, if that was the case, players wouldnt be able to level at the pace they are.

No one learns anything useful about a class leveling they never have because leveling is braindead content and always has been

I would lean more towards player elitism, build guides, and logs being more of an issue.

Also the current player community rarely takes the time to teach a player how to overcome a challange and most players get left behind. Extending the leveling would not change that. instead next time you come across someone that isnt performing well in your eyes pull them aside and offer assistance instead of running to the forums

Keep in mind if you are a player that watches youtube guides, reads build guides and tips chances are you are a top 10-20% gamer. the other 80% of the player base isnt installing the latest mod, isnt learning the fights and doesnt feel a desire too. The wow community is not very welcoming for players that want to learn and often times they sit on the sideline because they arent parsing high in the logs, cant show that you’ve already completed the raid 100 times perfectly you’re are not getting picked up.

There are a ton of guilds, communities, discord servers about helping players overcome a challenge.

There are a toooooon of guilds that will take any warm body willing to learn.