Leveling speed is creating inexperienced max levels and leading to content nerfs as well as toxic endgame

Just playing the game doesn’t teach you how to play your class the most effectively anyway, so leveling is not the problem. Wow is a numbers game and the devs did not put in a good way for you to see those numbers. That’s why players have to use add ons to sim their talent builds. I don’t know if giving frost shock a 5% damage boost or lightning bolt a 2% damage boost is better, but I know frost shock is more spammable, so I pick that regardless if its actually better or not. If you want people to be better at their classes, the devs need to make it easier to see how much damage you’re doing in different situations.

I don’t want to be rude with this question, I’m being completely honest here.
How often do you speak with new players? When I tried getting some friends to play, they complained it takes ages to get to the good part of the game. Leveling is not fun for most.

No matter how fast you make leveling, if it isn’t instant, they’re always going to complain about leveling.

That doesn’t answer my question, in fact it just makes your point weaker. Extending the leveling will only make people complain more. lol

It’s a moot point. You’re always going to have players that complain about every aspect of this game that isn’t instant gratification.

If you’re friends are whining about the fastest leveling MMO already, then they’re probably not going to like the end game content either.

Those are not mutually exclusive. You can have a blend of different mobs that slow a player’s progress without reducing the XP gained.

I don’t see how those two correlate. Leveling doesn’t feel great, but the end content definitely is a lot more fun than turning in quests over and over. Raiding is so different as an activity to what leveling is.

And once you’re locked out for the week, you’re done. Unless you actively try to improve the other content besides raiding and M+, your friends are going to leave no matter the result.

That’s a common critical mistake many developers do, making a game hard or challenging in itself doesn’t mean the game will be good or better. It might be quite the opposite, it’s about striking a balance that suits the majority of players and not just the sweaty neckbeards. We’re still talking about mmos here, single-player games are very different.

But you said they wouldn’t enjoy these aspects of the game because they didn’t like leveling. Those couldn’t be any further apart, they don’t add up.
The experience of leveling is not the same as enjoying the game once you’re done leveling. You’re not being entirely honest if you dismiss that the game opens up a lot more once you’re at max level.

While leveling, you’re on track for max level. That’s your only objective. Once you’re done with that, you can enjoy everything else.

Anything beyond leveling is irrelevant to this. The actual leveling is the issue, not M+ or raid balance.

Elden Ring is laughing in your face right now.

No, I said if they didn’t like leveling the way it is now, nothing but instant gratification will make them happy. It would be wasting development time on people you can’t satisfy.

One, that’s subjective. Two, you still have to level. Three, there’s more to the game then raiding.

Raid-or-Die loggers are the bane of this game since Cataclysm.

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End game is toxic because some of the people are toxic has nothing to do with leveling or lack there of. I leveled a vanilla hunter just using sting and auto fire while my pet did the work and a priest smite spamming so no learning my class via leveling at all. That waited until end game when I actually needed to use more stuff.

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Why is that good though?

Torghast had all those things and it was simply tedious. WoW isn’t designed around 1v1 content unless you build something of the complexity of mage tower.

I agree with some of what you’re saying here:

  1. Lower level content is neglected and treated as meaningless
  2. New players aren’t given the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of their classes or roles

I disagree with some of what you’re saying here:

  1. Skill checks will keep inexperienced players out of the highest levels of content, and world/solo content will keep them busy
  2. People who level alts aren’t no-lifers, and it was an unnecessary swipe to claim so


  1. More and better tutorial content
  2. Feedback systems for players as they level
  3. Better base-UI systems for telegraphing boss mechanics and group content expectations

Because it encourages players to learn their classes if the enemies provide that challenge. The Leveling system can literally introduce Boss Mechanics, M+ affixes, and anything else and the end game and slowly acclimate people to recognize them through normal/elite mobs in the open world.

That’s quite a wild take to have. You’re already attributing things to people you don’t even know and assuming nothing would matter, unless your suggestions are added.

Did I say to raid log? no I didn’t. I said there’s a lot more to do once you get to max level. Quite the opposite of what I said. You can do raids OR you can do all these other activities wow offers.
And still. Lengthening the leveling process would not make the game more enjoyable, nor would it teach people how to play better.

Hi pot, I’m kettle.

Hi kettle, you might be looking for someone else. I always spoke from experience, and from the people I interacted with. You’re just labeling people.

You talking as if everyone will have different classes in their warband, that’s one problem with your assumption.

Also, you can’t hone skills until you have all of them, which is why leveling is so fast now. If a player doesn’t choose to optimize a class, it has nothing to do with leveling.

Everyone ‘speaks from experience’ or ‘tells their personal truths’.

The fact is that if your friends can’t handle the leveling speed now, nothing besides boosting will make them happy. Why waste effort appealing to players that would never be satisfied…