Leveling speed is creating inexperienced max levels and leading to content nerfs as well as toxic endgame

I played when MoP was current but nothing really beyond questing, so I’m not familiar. But what was wrong with it?

ahh, i’m wondering if it’s a limitation with the engine? lotta lag in this video from what I see…

The boss was tuned to be pretty challenging with 25 players but there were mechanics (i.e. Spiritfire Beam, a chain lightning mechanic that increased drastically in damage every time it bounced and was a one-shot if it bounced to a third player) that could instantly wipe a raid group if mishandled.

The playerbase counteracted this by throwing literal hundreds, and sometimes literal thousands, of players’ worth of raid groups at Oondasta and pretty much always crashing the servers in an attempt to bring him down. And the problem is genuinely unfixable so long as cross-server open-world content can exist, because games aren’t designed to have that much activity in a single shard in a single small zone like that. ANY server would get obliterated by that sort of activity.

In open-world content, the answer to anything even remotely challenging is pretty much always “throw enough players at it to make it not challenging.”

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ah, gotcha. The difference in WOW and GW2 is that the zone is an instance, and there are multiple copies of it, and there are limits to how many folks can be there, so that probably helps mitigate issues like this.

I think that massive difference is why things like this just don’t work. bummer

“everyone who disagrees with me is toxic”

my brother in thrall.


i learned most classes up to 50 between vanilla and bc with rogue and druid being the only ones i learned to level cap. i didnt learn a dam thing from leveling that i couldnt have done the same way at level cap. i either talked to friends who had the class/spec at max level to get some info and then just trial and error. the only things i learned from leveling are all useless by todays standard of the game.

the largest i remember was 4 full 40m raid groups fighting him and seeing mostly dead bodies and just enough people comming back up to prevent him from resetting untill we threw wave after wave of bodies at him.

thats probably still the best way. ive learned specs really quickly by this and ive taught a few people feral just because they asked.

humans will always take the path of least resistance. how many times did we see this in mop remix with all the nerfs to threads?

i had a full key group call me toxic last season in a 5 key because i expected people to know how to kick so im not single handedly keeping everyone alive by doing mechanics. to me by the time you were at a 5 key especially by the middle of the season you had some kind of idea what your suppose to do past dps go burr. slowing leveling down would probably flip it and by m0s it would be massively toxic because now the expectations higher but that buffer is even lower.

i sware the forums are so much more toxic than these people make the game out to be. ide argue this game is barely toxic especially when compared to the forums so i have no idea why people act like the game is more toxic than it is. most people dont even talk in groups but everyone on the forums is agree with me or your the problem

Leveling in this game is hot trash and no, making it longer doesn’t fix anything. If I had my choice, leveling wouldn’t even exist anymore lol.


Sorry bud, but even with Vanilla leveling people still had no idea what they were doing at the level cap.

Speed isn’t the issue, it’s that leveling doesn’t really throw anything challenging enough requiring you to understand your spec. It has been that way since day 1.

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Well, you’d have to prove them correct first.

This has always been a thing. Leveling prior to the go-go-go modern era took a long time, but most players just punched stuff and leveled up. Still noobs. If and when they reached max level they played around with professions, goofed off with their friends, and lots of other trivial stuff they found fun. Leveling has never been a training program intended to turn people who have never played a computer game before into seasoned competitors with full understanding of everything a veteran would know.

The reason why lower level content is neglected entirely is because Blizzard doesn’t care about it at all. This is an mmo, mmo’s have leveling, therefore this one will keep its leveling, even if it seems they would rather it just went away.

How will new players work together to defeat difficult leveling content when they aren’t permitted to use the group finder to form groups?


We’re not talking about optimal or highest levels. Players aren’t learning enough to pull their weight in early endgame.

I think slower leveling would help but will not solve the problem for a lot of players. The game needs to do more to teach you.

It wouldn’t really do anything at all. Those who wish to learn will learn. Those who do not will simply continue to not learn.

So you wanna increase the leveling time, to help them “learn” their class better? What the excuse for classic players then? The game and classes are far simpler and it’s a slow leveling process… the majority of them, are a still really bad. It’s the players, not the leveling experience… I don’t think everyone should suffer because a few players can’t seem to grasp their class quickly enough.

I think players who complain about this are noticing low skill players more because Blizzard is trying to push them into end game content quickly, before they make friends who might be a bad influence on them.

Classic boomer take, but I think leveling is way too fast now in general. I got a 70 in 3 days, could have done it in 2 if I dedicated more time to it, or even 1 if I no-lifed it and did a marathon. Gear you get while leveling is completely worthless, I very frequently find myself having 5+ talent points to spend, etc. Also this isn’t a speed issue, but just legacy not meshing the best, the story is all over. You are a recruit on the tutorial island, then you are champion when you walk in Stormwind, then you back in time, etc.

The problem is Pandora’s Box has already been opened, Blizzard really can’t slow leveling down at this point. People would absolutely lose their minds if they did. That’s why I thought they should have shifted to a model where leveling was just removed, and power progression/collectables/etc. was all got via questing in the world. I’m sure that has it’s problems too, but it sounds way more appealing than “spam dungeons two days, then grind repeatables”


How? I’ve never seen this explained with anything other than learning your rotation, which you can’t properly do while you’re leveling anyway. Not because the mobs die too fast, but because you are still leveling and don’t even have access to your full kit yet. Slower leveling can’t teach you raid awareness, only being there in a raid can.

Name me one mmo that does this? Can I go play FF14 or ESO and those games teach me everything I need to know about how to play without having to look up a guide or tutorial from a 3rd party?

FF XIV teaches you some of the basics at the start but then basically tells you “good luck have fun” after that. Granted, they do provide class guides providing players with descriptions of skills, but it is usually the community who comes up with the optimal rotations. So yeah, in the end, it all leads back to 3rd party sources. :sweat_smile:

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Gonna have to stop you right there. Your words are not right or wrong. They are your opinion. Just like the reply was an opinion in regard to your post. Which makes it neither right or wrong.

Unless you are presenting some peer reviewed factual data that support your opinion, then it just remains that. A personal opinion that people can agree or disagree with.


Indeed, this is one reason I have all 6 possible max-lvl healers. For any given season and/or expansion, one or two will be… better at end content than the other 4.

If you like to play a particular role, be it healer, tank, ranged DPS or melee DPS, and you are going to keep playing, having more than one of that type can make your life more pleasant.

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Slowed down leveling doesnt help players learn classes at all. You can probably go level a toon from 1-70 by using 1 spell.

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Everything in WoW until you hit Heroic raids or Mythic+ dungeons is just the tutorial, these days.