Classsic is non stop span for boosting by mages, hunting an hour to find a group, or buying loot in raids, other than that it’s pretty cool.
Whatever for? WoW has never had challenging leveling, that was part of its initial charm.
Classic just has a lot of walk time. People confuse tedium with difficulty. The only difficulty is staying awake.
If leveling is too fast for somebody, they can take off their gear. I’ve leveled characters naked, it’s very doable.
Agree all I see is xp and reward I don’t see story in older stuff anymore
This sounds familiar…
Hey, I know you said this food court smells like trash. Have you ever considered just not breathing?
What an accomplishment, to be better at a more mediocre version of the same game lmao
we dont do that here.gif
Like I said in another, similar thread, you can’t have a decent leveling experience with this incessant push for more and more alts, you just can’t.
Case in point:
Until Blizzard puts their foot down on the alt thing, which they won’t do, the game will continue to be hot trash.
No that’s not true. You couldn’t AoE entire camps of enemies down with your quest gear. But also when you got decked out in dungeon blues, it felt great to take down two or three enemies at the same time. This also made safer classes like hunter feel even more distinct because they allowed to compensate for that danger with pets.
Whereas in retail now you’re basically invincible in whatever gear you got from quests already. There are alites of course, and you can get in trouble by aggroing too much, but that’s not the same.
Also I’m not just saying to boost enemies just because, but also make the grinding bonus of some sort, like war mode gives. So that you can meaningfully grind gold for example, or do some mass gathering, or get much more repitation per kill or something. Bots should not be able to just grind that difficulty easily.
“You don’t have to spend what you thought would be a delightful day with your family at the mall, you know that, right?”
You really should have actually read the portion of my post that you quoted, before posting bloviam that was already rebutted by what you quoted.
It’s because we actually have a decillion things to do at max level.
Yes it’s on rails, but there is something for everyone. Even after you finish step 1.
No, I’ve read it. We just don’t agree what tedium is apprently.
I made an alliance demon hunter this morning. Played it off and on all day. She’s now level 68.
It’s not that they won’t. It’s that they can’t. Blizzard is creatively bankrupt, at this point, and they have no firm understanding as to how to engage their broader playerbase without funneling them into the same three (now four, I guess) content pillars we’ve been doing for years now.
People run out of content to do in WoW within the first 3-4 weeks of any patch. This game relies on the repetition of endgame content to keep people playing, so it’s in Blizzard’s interest to push alts to that endgame as fast as possible so they can stay on the treadmill.
I still think about that Jason Schreier article from years ago about how Activision was telling Blizzard to make more content with smaller budgets. This is the result of that, because it’s impossible to make more content without more money lol
The funniest thing about classic wow is that it’s not even classic wow.
Blizzard was right. People didn’t want classic wow. Still don’t.
wasn’t there something called the “iron man challenge” or something like that many years ago where people leveled only with quest and drop gear and not heirloom? If memory serves that was around the time calling it heirloom was either new, or shortly before that happened.
you can’t have a decent leveling experience in a 20 year old game PERIOD.
it’s either too slow for anyone who values time, or too fast for those that don’t.
and it just so happens that those who think slower leveling is a bore just happen to be 90%+ of the entire community that plays the game.
Once again
you can only do the same thing so many times before a speed boost is REQUIRED if you want players to 1. stay 2. keep their sanity.
I was doing that back in Cata, so try again.
people were already pulling entire rooms with little difficulty by this point.
ya’ll have literally done nothing but gaslight yourselves into thinking this game was ever that hard.
Uh, yeah you can. If people are only leveling 1-2 characters, there is no need to make leveling blazingly fast because they only experience it once or twice lol.
When “classic” first launched the band-aid got ripped off exposing that, no, vanilla WoW was never hard… people were just BAD when they first played it.
Just learn about MMOs?
Indeed. We knew that while farming Tuskers in Asheron’s Call.