I learned all of that way back in like Dire Maul and LBRS in Vanilla. Super glad for a past that included dungeons that taught you things.
Freeze your xp for a while then.
Oh noes muh evil capitalisms!
Also they’d want you playing for longer n make the leveling process that much slower.
I member it taking days to get to max level played and then you finally get to do end game stuff. Sometimes that journey was fun and interesting, but after so many times I got tired of it.
If you want to experience what it was like back in the day there is Classic. If you want to get into the max level current expansion and competitive endgame there is retail.
WoW has evolved from a somewhat chill casual mmorpg to a fairly hardcore esports competitive endgame type game.
At times I’d love for that more chill version to come back but the current gen wants what it wants.
Leveling is a joke in retail, it’s true. But every form of content, dungeons and raids are a joke in classic.
I see what the OP is saying here. Blizzard wants to give people incentive to play the new content; but not make it so easy as to discourage people from buying level up boosts. They are, after all, a business.
And I also understand that there are a LOT of people who don’t want to rehash the old content. As much as I like some of the old content, you get to a point where you just don’t want to see it anymore.
But with the most recent changes to the levelling curve, if someone ever DOES want to get at least a taste of what it was like to experience Legion or TBC. It will be an extremely fleeting one. I know you can turn off XP for a while. But that kind of robs you of the feeling of progression that levelling gives.
That was back in the day now these days nope
Yes but the reason it can’t happen these days is because the M+ mentality would just lead to a ton of unsubs if leveling dungeons took long enough and were difficulty enough to teach you anything. People that can time 10s would legit throw in the towel if a leveling dungeon took any time.
If you want harder leveling 5 mans increase the xp dropped and bonus at the end to make up the time difference. Make it worth our time
Wouldn’t be at all opposed to rewards being better in the case that they redesigned leveling content.
They would have to redesign talents, etc as well.
People get their abilities spread out a lot more. Makes trying to learn it rough, because you almost have to constantly relearn things. The way you learned to play at level 20 wont matter at 60, which wont matter at 80.
Isn’t that already the case and wasn’t that also the case back when you learned something in regular dungeons?
I mean learning to use sap or kick doesn’t change between level 20 and level 80.
However being trained for 80 levels that sap and kick aren’t necessary results in a level 80 that thinks they have dead buttons on their bar.
They should implement a difficulty setting or server for the classic players who want to have a world like classic but in retail. I would pay 10 dollars extra a month for the ability to crank a difficulty setting so I can grind for geer and levels in retail like classic
I would say today with leveling being quicker it matters less.
Previously, and I’d have to check, but it felt like you got more of your abilities earlier, while more often than not your upgrades are like “Chain Lightning Rank 3”, instead of new talents.
Most of the basic utility is pretty easy to get.
Its a tough line to walk. The dungeons have to be achievable by low skilled players. Which means things you would interrupt cant be that bad even if they go off. But when things arent that bad when they go off, people dont practice to use their interrupts.
Edit : Spitballing, but maybe like a channeled cast that snares you. But creates a channeled stream from the NPC to the player.
Something that annoys the player, something that gives a very clear and obvious “this is the NPC doing something”. But not something that would generally wipe a group.
It would be dead ques I wouldn’t pay for that when I could just play wow classic
Anyone suggesting this is only contributing to the idea that most WoW players are at a complete disconnect with what makes an RPG appealing, failing to understand what it is about the leveling experience OP takes frustration with lmao
Right? This reply basically amounts to “Don’t think the leveling experience is good? Well just don’t level then.”
Whining about capitalism over a company doing business that you happily participate in is just naive at best.
or because it’s a 20 year old game and releveling the same things over and over for 20 years is boring as hell.
Coming from someone who does nothing but level alts, who barely even touches new content (still haven’t gone to siren isles (or whatever) on a single level 80 yet) I RELISH the fast leveling. In fact, it motivates me to make alt after alt.
yeah, only if you haven’t played through the same game for 2 entire DECADES.
I literally grew up playing this game, I don’t need to very slowly crawl through every zone again and again, in fact, that is what KILLS motivation to make alts.
It’s good that classic is there, for people who have played for 20 years yet never gotten any better at the game.
It’s kinda sad the game doesn’t really challenge you until M+. There is really no meaningful thing to grind in the world on a sunday morning like in classic. There is no way to also feel the increased power agaist the enemies, because they drop dead with quest gear already.
I almost wish they implemented some sort of a world difficulty setting similar to M+ difficulty. So you really get to use skills and gear power in the world. Maybe scale up gold & gathering drops in higher world tiers along with enemy HP and damage? So that there is a reason to use higher level gear, at least to get an edge in gold, professions and rare drops? Maybe remove flying at a certain tier of difficulty etc.