Leveling is such a joke

Coming from playing classic to retail wow… it’s just absolutely ridiculous how fast leveling is this days… at least up to lvl 70. I’m literally doing the intro to Shadowlands on my DK, and I’ve barely gotten through a portion and have already gotten two levels (from around 50). It’s like (to no surprise) Blizz just wants you to get to the max lvl available to you so you buy the expansion (duh, capitalism… that’s what it’s all about).

I’m trying to enjoy previous content on my older characters I didn’t level up earlier, and although, sure, scaling means your level is almost pointless now, you gain levels WAY too quickly and get abilities on top of abilities before you can learn to play with them. How are new players supposed to adapt to this if they get all their spells thrown at them at once? Is this really how people want to play? If you’re ONLY goal is max level gameplay, maybe an MMO isn’t the thing for you…

This is why modes like Classic have such a high popularity. It’s about the journey, not just the destination… I feel like Blizz has probably forgotten that along the way to corporate consolidation.



It’s just that most people enjoy the journey after max level.

It’s cool you like leveling. But it’s cool some prefer the end game journey as well.

Many people in retail have done the leveling journey too many times to count.




Go play Classic then. :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug:


Retail has been out for 20 years. There’s nothing special about “leveling” any more. Those who enjoy retail enjoy what the end game point has to offer. Blizz knows this, so they’ve railroaded the process to get people to where they wanna be faster.


Increase level speed: “They just want to sell the expansion.”

Decrease level speed: “They just want to sell boosts.”


It’s almost like they’re aware most of their player base has done that content to death and is trying to grease the path to the newest content, and still have a classic version available for people who want to play 20 year old content like it’s 20 years ago. That would be pretty savvy.

And the new players I play with don’t seem to have a problem with “all the abilities” though the common statement about classic is “i dont want to watch my guy autoattack the same monster 72 times for a carrot while i occasionally press a button.” Granted they got bored by level 20 so never saw the other 4 buttons.


If you’re brand new to the game I can get that leveling can be fun but after that first character you really don’t want to deal with it again

If you enjoy leveling and things like that that’s great there’s nothing wrong with that. OP classic exist for people like you. I’m glad you enjoy it but not everyone does. No one’s twisting your arm to come to retail just stay in classic if that’s what you enjoy.

I enjoy my Jeep Wrangler and a lot of people enjoy sports cars. Therefore I but Jeep Wranglers I don’t go out and buy a sports car and try and turn it into a Wrangler


Leveling is indeed a joke. Most world enemies are too squishy for you to even practice your class rotation, and they’re not remotely dangerous.

Blizz may as well give us infinite character boosts if they can’t make the leveling journey an experience.


I am playing both currently.

Yes I agree there is something special about the levelling process in classic, you play and participate with others, decisions are crucial especially in hardcore and the world feels real.

Without a doubt in my mind I’ve had some of the most fun I’ve had in gaming period on my priest’s journey in classic. I’ve saved lives, flirted on boats, had more close calls than I can remember and the loss of my nearly 40 character. Value + fun to the time I’ve spent in that game is WELL worth it.

But that’s all it offers. Once you hit max that magic wears off. There’s a long winded chain for raid, you do and complete that and raid log for limited loot or quit/or r make another character.

That’s where retail shines - be it LFR/Delves or M+ and grouped raid there is so much fun to be had. Doing content with friends or maybe an old boss in hopes to get a Mount! (We trying for fire owl in amirdrassil lately). Retail offers a lot more to do and is super fun too


When I level on retail :grinning:

When I level on classic :sleeping:


That’s because Classic/Vanilla was more about the journey.

People goofed off and explored, the game wasn’t ‘figured out’ yet.

Folks would do things just for the fun of it, not the carrot-on-a-stick reward at the end.

Back then, most people DID NOT raid. It was always a small percentage of players.

It’s why Classic 2019 is nothing like actual Vanilla, everyone raids and treats it similarly to Retail.

Retail is 99.9% about endgame instead.


The retail leveling style suits the majority of the players.

There are how many iterations of classic for people who like the more plodding style.


The thing about Classic WoW the journey sucked and the destination was spamming a 1 button “rotation” on raid bosses with 3 mechanics the game was boring then and its boring now. Leveling is a chore it was never fun it was the thing you had to do to get to the thing you wanted to do.



This game is for literal children at this point


Good. Leveling should be as fast as possible. The game starts at max level. I never want to go back to the slow leveling from classic.


This isn’t why leveling is fast.

Compared to what? Retail is still more popular.

Leveling is a pointless and inferior journey. It’s an outdated system and already was when the game released in 2004.


It’s wild how people will make a thread saying the most popular MMO’s game design is an anti MMO game design.

Retail is about end game. If you want an open world adventurous leveling experience there’s classic.

Very novel and nuanced take OP, no one’s ever been brave enough to say this before.


Yes, classic should be considered a different game with a longer and more in-depth leveling experience.

It is nice to have options.

Think of classic as a sit-down restaurant with 5 courses and retail is of course trashy fast-food, as far as the leveling experience goes.


The game is not centered around leveling, it is all about after you hit max level.

And to use your words, level 80 is not the destination. Your character’s gear/mounts/toys/achievements you aspire to get by the end of the season is the destination.


Classic is popular because its currently “new” and retqail is at the end of the tier.