Leveling is such a joke

Classic lovers definitely like a game that I think most retail players today dont want to have to deal with…fewer QoL features, more sloggish/slow than retail for certain.
Both groups just like what they like…neither is right or wrong…its all subjective opinion.

It never took 4 months in 2004 either. If I remember right, and granted it’s been a long time, I think it took me around 3-4 weeks.

yeah, this has come up enough for some wanting slower leveling in retail that I hope blizzard doesnt do that OVER reaction thing and ruin it for those of us who like leveling as it is now, but just toss in some options for less XP for quests, etc…maybe 10%, 25%, 50%, 100%…for example…that way we can select in one of the character panels and level at any pace the player wants.

Yes, I think that’s an argumentative statement to make. You’re making a point that’s in contradiction to someone else’s point. That’s an argument, regardless of how you try to frame that.

Not sure why I need to spell this out to someone who is likely an adult and has had arguments before.

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Classic Andys: “Blizzard should slow down leveling so that you can actually experience the journey!”

Blizzard: listens

Classic Andys: “Well clearly this is a ploy to sell more boosts! Retail is a FOMO RMT nightmare, this is why I only play Classic”


Leveling at this point is just a formality. Its only there to get introduced to all the areas and story. Mmos about the end game.

You could always just lock your level if you wanted to experience old content.

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It’s almost like the WoW community is big and full of people with different opinions lmao

What value would retail leveling have whether it was 1 hour, 10 hours, or 100 hours?

Any time Blizzard has slightly bumped how long it takes, they get endless accusations of just trying to sell boosts.


Leveling should have some sense of progression and reward. The rate in which you level isn’t the only thing that contributes to this, but it does play a larger role in it. Level too fast, and the sense to gratification you get when you level and get that power increase is diminished. It’s just another number going up by the end of the day.

Blizzard would have to do far more than slow down leveling to make it feel better, but it would be a start.

That seems like a problem for Blizzard to figure out and not something I need to concern myself with, so I’m not sure why you’re bringing it up to me. As a player who levels a lot of alts, I can say with confidence that leveling is trash in retail and needs to be redone.

I’ve enjoyed all iterations that wow has offered I love my main here for end game content, got a druid on classic I’m working on to get to TBC and also like SOD for some of it’s runes and other unique things all in all there is something for everyone and that is a good thing.

Community begged for it to be faster bro nobody trynna collect bear butts for 200 hours just to play raid/pvp/dungeons with their friends


Nah, it’s more a problem for people who want a boring and pointless activity to take longer.

If Blizzard added a button that just cut your damage, hp, and XP gain in half, would you use that? Seems like a better idea than making everyone else suffer.


You’re describing one of the core facets of any RPG as boring and pointless.

Maybe the problem is you. Or maybe the problem is Blizzard for cultivating such an ecosystem to begin with.


You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. The “grind” is the game because it doesn’t feel like a grind. It’s a huge open world, 100s of players in each zone. No scaling, the quests unravel slowly pulling you deeper into the game. In HC a bad mistake has huge consequences. The game is alive. People are grouping up and working together. Every dungeon I have run is a blast because we need to communicate and work together. It’s the antithesis of retails queue and zoom. There is strategy, planning, close calls, cheers and tears.

Retail has none of that. While leveling there are no elites, the mobs scale and you out level a zone after 2 or 3 quests. Dungeons are mass pulls to get it over with. Endgame is all about M+ keys ala Destiny or Diablo. The grand scale of the MMO is reduced to small instanced content.

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M+ is the goal leveling is just a roadblock or speed bump that we can speed over

And yet we constantly get these threads of Classic players trying to shame/beg people into playing Classic.

Instead of Classic players just….playing Classic in peace and enjoying it and leaving the rest of us alone.


The goal or just the only decent option for character progression at max without a 20 deep clique? To me it’s more of the latter.

M+ would become the goal for less people if other pillars were unlimited, puggable, and highly rewarding loot and crest farms. Unfortunately it’s the only one allowed to be.

Levelling dungeons and questing don’t teach you how to interrupt or kite, stun etc you learn em in m+