Leveling is such a joke


That’s my point

AI answers can be manipulated to often make them say what you want.

Hence I made fun of you citing the AI Google response bot as a source.

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Unlike you I actually look at the sources AI pulls from.
Anyway, you’re clearly just here to be a contrarian brat.

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this right here is a reason to ignore this entire post. classic and retail are two entirely different beasts at this point in time. while I agree leveling is a joke, Id rather look at the issue of how it could be improved rather than try to revert back to an even worse system of classic.

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This is why AI is bad.

People dont understand it.

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Bro I’m not here to talk about AI.
Ffs :woman_facepalming:


You brought up AI

As your primary and only source.


I enjoy doing both Classic and Retail.
I can only do so much end game in retail without doing M+ , than it’s back to Classic or Hardcore Classic.

Citing from AI is a fool’s errand but I mean, anyone who denies the possibility that WoW could be categorized as an ARPG is adhering to a very explicit idea of what an ARPG, likely akin to Diablo or Path of Exile.

ARPG is a big genre. It encompasses a lot of things. Most MMOs are ARPGs in how they play.


Because you moved the goal post. And you’re moving it again

I will absolutely concede that WoW has some ARPG elements.

Lol what goal post

Nice, you admitted you are wrong. If you weren’t a contrarian you wouldn’t of had to in the first place.

Go outside and practice social skills.

At this point I worry about your reading comprehension.

I did not say WoW is a ARPG

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:roll_eyes: Then that’s a you problem.


Engaging with someone coming into a discussion dishonestly is a me problem.

I will fix that.

Have a good day.

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/fixed it for you

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If people want to optimize how they level in the game, more power to them.

I don’t know how that comports with the idea that leveling should be completely gutted and rendered irrelevant for the rest of the folks who value it lol

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So completely trivialize it to the point of it being completely broken and worthless?


All your own perception and opinions. You do you and stay out of my fun.

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I agree and disagree.

I think leveling should have more meaning, but only in the new areas. Prior areas are at your own risk.

I really detest and will say there is zero fun in killing 60 bores to get 5 snouts or killing NPC’s in Ashenvale to get some sort of gem for 3 hours.

I also play classic and I want to :face_vomiting: having to go out and kill 60 tigers for 10 tiger bloods (I never knew there were so many undead tigers)…

Do I enjoy the leveling experience starting with TBC -Yes I do, but there is not a single thing about that that is fun about leveling in classic.

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