I hit 61 right before maint. I know i CAN queue and i WILL queue, but i are people still mass reporting to get players banned?
No, i can do the quest in there to assist resources. Also if Blizzard didnt want me in there, why would they let me in there?
Leveled my warlock from 62-70 in AV over the weekend. No ban.
Great. Thanks!
level 61s are not useless in AV. They are useful for making my poorly geared 70 feel better.
The ban complaints were a vocal minority who were mad they got caught AFKing at the cave.
Not as useless as this reply.
It’s fine. Just do it.
Make sure you do damage to Balinda, and the rams on the road that you can actually hit on the way to the bunkers.
Finally a kill target for the boosties !
it wouldn’t be flamebait without the flame. it got the thread going. we all appreciate that.
What if I’m a tank?
I plan on queuing up at 61 as a prot warrior.
Also what about a healer? I’m going to do my restore shaman after my warrior.
Just queue up. They xp gain in batllegrounds is there and intended to be used to level.
The ability to earn experience from PvP was originally added to encourage people who enjoy PvP to do battlegrounds as part of their leveling up experience.
- We’re restoring the ability to gain experience from PvP activities at the same rate present in patch 3.3.5
Just run with crowd and try not to be alone on the map far away from objectives.
My buddy’s dk is lvl 68 from doing nothing but AV.
People are a little too paranoid about getting banned. Worst case scenario you just play something else for a while.
it’s AV, who cares. you’re suppose to just run to the other end, wait for couple towers to burn, then hit the boss.
I’d take a level 62 that sits in towers and calls incs over a 70 who afks on noob hill all match

They should be, you are utterly useless as a 61
Not as useless as this reply.
Please enlighten us on what a 61 brings to the table in AV
They can fight opposing level 61’s.

I hit 61 right before maint. I know i CAN queue and i WILL queue, but i are people still mass reporting to get players banned?
How dare you play the game the way developers allow you to play the game. /report
I leveled my Resto Druid 52-60 in AV this weekend and had a wonderful time. Did not see any of the mass reporting thank goodness.
I tried at 61 and was just a bit too squishy so I quested till 64 then went back in and had lots of fun. Even topped the healing meters a couple runs. Not as useless as some would think.
For me, it’s an enjoyable way to break up the monotony of quest leveling kill mobs. I also noticed an interesting parallel. My wrists have been bothering me a lot lately from normal kill quests. When I run AV over and over, I am not doing as repetitive movement as with just grinding and it gives them a break. But your milage may verry.