Leveling Experience in 10.x is too Easy

nothing wrong with level as it is.

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One had/has to go pvp server to make it interesting really.

So which factions is camping the crap out of Tauren mills/Southshore today?

Its alliance today. Horde is leveling slow…or logging.

Tomorrow horde could be camping. Even on 50/50 ish grobb this varies like the tides of the ocean.

Maybe if you have the attention span of a 5-year old.

no i dont want leveling to be a slow slog , i wish we still had xp on heirlooms so it would go 500x faster then the slow pace it is now .

You get what I’m trying to say. It’s difficult to articulate exactly the direction it needs to go though.

To clarify I think 60-70 is ok. But I am talking about the entire leveling experience. Mostly pre-DF but also including DF to a lesser extend.

I will admit that I enjoyed the journey many times through the years, even if it was more of a slog. Now though? I really like being able to level fast. It lets me get started on things faster, like gearing or transmog/mount farming.

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Let’s make leveling even faster!


because all that’ll do is get folks complaining, and god knows, blizzard get’s enough of that as it is…

or maybe we want to get through the leveling experience as quick as possible, BECAUSE IT’S NOT FUN to level in WOW. Make it fun and you’ll see people more willing to level.

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That’s kinda our point. I think both sides agree the current leveling is mediocre at best.

How do you propose making it fun…? Because I don’t think we agree on what will make it fun though… I’ve also said the same exact thing multiple times about fun and what did you do each time? :wink:

That’s the point of this discussion that I’m trying to have - which you keep on dragging it down into witty “gotcha” argumentative style discussion.

A non-answer? How about you share what you propose on what would make it fun… stop beating around the bush.

Mmmmm, nah.

Leveling should be faster than what it currently is.

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I think we need two roads to max level.

One should be an engaging Cobalt Assembly style leveling. This would be the “I just want to get to max level ASAP” route but it would also be engaging. This is engaging because you still need to avoid mechanics and it’s moderately fun. This is a way a lot of players still level in Dragonflight 60-70. EDIT: the “third route” should be a boost, which max level boosts should always be available IMO.

The other route should be achievement based. Achievements should be added for leveling. This is the slower route that will include achievements like no heirlooms, finishing certain zones before you can move on, etc. Including more I can’t think of right now.

So retail or classic? That’s not bringing proposal to the table, you want the classic leveling experience… or you just don’t know how to express what you do want.

leveling was fun the first couple time you did it for me back in OG TBC and wrath but as the xpacks came out and you hade already leveled a lot though the years for me personally it just became an annoying thing that hade to be done to get to endgame if wanted to play a new char i think the leveling speed is fine as it is

as other have said if you want harder leveling content go play classic or wrath most people on retail are tired of leveling toons my self included

I think you are just trolling me. Because you clearly haven’t put any effort into appreciating anything I’ve attempted to articulate here. As I’ve said in previous posts on this thread, it would take good aspects from all versions of WoW.

Oh stop, I’ve never seen anyone on this forum be any more fake than you. You want a “slower” leveling experience and have no proposal after you say, “we want the same thing” or “we agree” when I talk about wanting a FUN leveling experience.

No we don’t want the same thing, you want classic… I want leveling to be fun, you’ve proposed nothing and now you wanna call me a troll because you can’t come out with anything? It’s the opposite. You don’t have an argument and have yet to make a single point…