Leveling difficulty changes - yeah, right

Don’t try to make it seem like it will be ok OP just cant relate as Blizzard is punishing them. hahaha

I predict more down time in our future…

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Hmmm. It could be because Rookery isn’t level 80, it’s a scaling dungeon, so the scaling rules still impact characters at 80 in a scaling dungeon. They refer to mixed-level groups specifically.

And if you’re level 80 your “relative power %” is relatively low at 532. But not insanely so… don’t normals drop 548 at 80?

They did not say “level 80 players” they said “These changes will be most noticeable at level 70, and will have a reduced impact as your level increases. Enemies at level 80 and above will be unchanged.”

So try a level 80 only normal dungeon and see if it is the same.

I’ll take the bullet for this one:

normal scaling dungeon is what was fixed since the mobs change what they do. This would impact delves and the machine as well (i think? unsure it wasn’t live in EA). Whoops.

A level 80 only dungeon in normal or heroic (notice how there are normals that are 80 only like meadery) has no scaling, which is how you can trample them when you’re raid geared.

Funny they didn’t change none if that and you’re the only one with problems.

Same here. Random AOE never let me recover past 40 percent health and healer was overwhelmed. More tank deaths that I’ve ever seen.

Yes but OP clearly stated that he was 80 so it would have no impact on him regardless of normal or heroic.

no, it’s a scaling dungeon. any dungeon that says, say, 72-80 or whatever has math that scales things.

A dungeon that says 80, does not.

Of course it’s not supposed to have an impact on them regardless of normal or heroic, but I invite you to hop into a T3 delve right now on a level 80 character and tell me it’s the same as it was a few hours ago

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The scaling is on the individual. Based on their level so everyone in the group is “normalized”. If you are 80 you are 80, it doesn’t scale.

Yup, wrecked in minutes on a T2. This sucks.

It’s not SUPPOSED TO scale, it IS scaling.

Again, jump on in and confirm it yourself.

It scales as you level, but once you are 80 it stops scaling.

I did. Now what? It’s the same.

I think they changed it as well. My feral had to go through 3 full rotations to kill one normal world content mob. Single target is very weak on feral but I don’t remember it taking that long.

Did you log this? Id be interested to see what unavoidable damage oneshot the players.

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normal dungeon -are not supposed to one shot people

Can confirm the same

If you’re gonna post something like this can you provide examples from the combat log or something.

It would help identify what abilities actually need tuning and whether or not they truly are unavoidable.

Simply saying, “unavoidable damage killed me” doesn’t really help. Which spell? What mob?

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I’ve done 10 level 80 dungeons as a level 71/61 half-talented Fury Warrior and I’m flying.

avoidable damage shouldn’t one shot people in normal dungeons either

Cool story. Now learn to read and figure out what content I have been talking about.