Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

disingenuous response, typical

Sorry my opinion doesn’t match up with yours. I like harder leveling. I hope they continue to make it more of a challenge in the future.

Oh no its gonna take me 1 more whole hour to reach 80 on my next character. THE HORROR!

are you sure enemies at lvl 80 were unchanged? Is having to go through 3 of my normal rotation ‘expected WoW behavior’ for normal outdoor mobs.


Thank you :slight_smile:

who made you the authority on unofficial titles? or are these things just made up by you in your head?

they are leveling dungeons because outside of that they are going to be irrelevant in 2 weeks time when the season launches. this change only hurts people and is a ham fisted reaction to crybabies complaints about a LEVELING dungeon

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I don’t mind a challenge, if its warranted.

The legacy of previous expansions is that if I am end-game geared from the previous one, I’m going to have a much much easier time than those players who are not.

This change reverts that legacy. It’s now gone. My once powerful level 70 alts are now just as powerful as my wet noodle level 80. This change sucks.

To those who truly wanted a challenge, even if they were end-game geared, they could have just slapped on their heirlooms at level 70 and had the “more challenging” version. Instead, now we all must suffer and a legacy dies.


The bad part is, they didn’t stop at leveling dungeons. Everything is now changed. The entire leveling experience just got upended.


Stop dictating how others are to enjoy the game. If you think it’s too easy, take off some of your gear. Don’t make the rest of us suffer.

You’re so selfish.

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too late we all get to suffer now. thanks minuette

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Then vote with your wallet? IDK what to tell ya. People in this thread are acting like they are ramping everything up x10. They’re not. I can assure you leveling will still be a breeze.

That’s not how this works.

:roll_eyes: if you are suffering, unsub.

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No point arguing with him, he wants ‘harder levelling’ in normal dungeons for alts LOL instead of harder content at max level. He is being disingenuous on purpose because he is bad at the game

checks notes

See that link? Check what it says happens on 8/22.

Does it say that “leveling dungeons” are open?

I was enjoying the Game yesterday, now I want to inquire about a refund


unofficial title remember :clown_face:

I don’t believe you. Nobody likes spending more time on a trivial task than is necessary and that is exactly what these changes achieve. You’ve always had the option of making leveling harder - all you have to do is just downgrade your gear until it’s appropriately difficult - of course you did not do that, because like most people, you don’t want to spend more time than necessary on trivial tasks.


Yes. Because they are officially Normal Difficulty Dungeons.

Which is why it says that Normal dungeons are open.

Because nobody considers “leveling dungeon” to be an actual thing. It’s just that you are leveling and happen to be doing dungeons instead of quests.

Quests below 80 aren’t known of as “leveling quests” either by the way.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. It’s good to have the perspective to also notice that you are highly likely to be in the small minority. For example, Dark Souls is a very difficult and rewarding game for those who enjoy that type of thing, but its market appeal is very, very small compared to games that are just “fun” to the majority like COD. Like almost non-existent on a graph, small. The days of people investing their lives in a MMO like EQ are over, and WoW was very late to react to it, hence the decline in playerbase. This expansion was supposedly a welcome home to the long lost masses that went on to have kids and a life other than gaming, so I don’t think smacking them in the face with hard leveling because Misery wants it is a good idea. You could always strip down naked if that’s your kinda thing.

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I don’t care what you believe. There is so much one shot content in this game it’s ridiculous. More than 80% of this game dies in one hit. If you want to play blind and one shot everything go play older zones. This is a new expansion we are all starting out weaker. Get over it.


That is the comments that will be the downfall of this game. “You hate it. Leave then.” The moment people stop complaining, is the moment they give up. The moment they leave and will never come back. STop telling people to leave. Stop shutting people down with this stupid comment. If you can’t “fight” the argument, then don’t. Don’t comment “Then quit.”

Additionally, it is very much going to affect leveling. It did indeed ramp everything. Even my iLvl 337 character was affected. See this post Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming - #3256 by Phenomenon-hydraxis where I did the legwork behind this change with two of my alts.


If that’s the case then we’re all a part of it because we all play that card from time to time when it comes to protecting the things about the game that we like/want.

I personally think that trying to make everyone happy and not showing some people the door is one of the biggest problems the game has.

That is precisely why there are so many different examples of “Don’t like it? Leave then.” Because every pack that isn’t gatekept brings their own demands and complaints.