Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Sounds like common sense to me.

Sorry you disagree. My opinion is my own just like yours is. I’m all for harder leveling. Sorry to trigger you.

you are in the minority and heres how i can prove it. if majority of people were like you then retail would be more like classic right now with a longer leveling process. but its not, why? probably because retail is about the endgame content.

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You have continually mistaken tedium for difficulty and it lines up with my belief that you don’t return the shopping cart to the corral.


And I hope they continue making changes like this to change that.

The context a lot of people are missing is that 1) this was easily identifiable in the beta and wasn’t a surprise and 2) they allowed it to happen long enough to let their hardcore players max their warband characters and then turned the tap off. For those who leveled pre change and post change, the difference is glaring. If it was this hard from the first day, you’d have many less complaining and more just dealing with it.


The players who like harder leveling had options open to them beforehand to make their leveling experience harder. Instead of using them, many others complained about how easy it was. And now everyone is suffering.

They could have equipped Heirlooms. Immediately replace any High-end DF equipment with the leveling equipment when given or dropped.


Why was the update for this post on Twitter?

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You all are finally learning!

I have tears in my eyes…


BTW I think BlizZard over did it as mobs are like tanks now. LMAO.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Again, if you are suffering then play another game.

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once again you are in the minority on that opinion sorry but most players dont want this.


He’s going to continue spreading misero with his posts. What a perfect name for a miserable person.

I find it curious that instead of “voting with his wallet” and unsubbing like he is telling everybody else, he joined the whiners and cried loud enough to get the change. What a hypocrite.


I don’t care if I’m the minority. This is a good change. The leveling was to easy.

Sorry I enjoy the leveling journey. Definitely not miserable. :slight_smile:
I look forward to the experience on my alts, especially with the change. Rotations are fun with new hero talents. I don’t mind doing them while playing

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Apparently they do not want to post this important info on the forums!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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of course this favors everyone who bought early access. They got to play earlier and level up allot easier. Anyone that is not level 80 will get a nerf and take longer to level. They should have done this change a month in and not after everyone who actually plays allot has already finished leveling.

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Yeah if I used this to describe my time on the game I’d just find another game. Not gonna sugarcoat it.

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thank you for admitting your in the vocal minority of crybabies. now if only we could get a dev to see this post.


Just want to come in here after some testing post change. Ive run 3 LFGs since the change on my lvl 74 and and he seems to be getting exp at the same rate as before. I played as tank and did notice smaller pulls were living longer and hitting harder than before, 2 of the 3 healers struggled. Thtas all

Edit: This is my 3rd tank I’m lvling through LFG. Before the change id mass pull 3-4 rooms at a time, i don’t think this will be doable anymore


Feral Druid level 70 383 ilevel (mix of some season 3 gear, 6k agility, but still ilevel 420 ilevel weapon)
Dalaran questline

Mob: Nerubian Warweaver 382k hp
Me: 337k hp

Ttk as a feral druid noob 10-12 seconds or so, smaller mobs a few seconds. Had to use some defensives and free Regrowth procs to top up hp at times. Damage was manageable.

I’ll maybe add more to this when I hit the beach.

Dorn Beach

Nerubians on the beach have 192k hp.

Was able to get past the 10m hp Zirix encounter and off the beach though pulled a few adds and was struggling a little bit.

Rookery Dungeon - Follower

Not one shotting or even 2/3 shotting all mobs at 386 level 70. Can still pull a group and AI survives but mobs have more hp and hit a bit harder. Takes much longer to kill like it was on beta it seems like. Able to clear up to first boss with AI though so seems fine.

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where is the easy one shot content?

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It’s fine. The tyranny of the majority isn’t going to stop them from doing what is best for the game ALL of the time.

And it shouldn’t.