Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

People three hours ago:


Rational people three hours ago:

Nah bro leveling is always going to be easy and fast in WoW.

Rational people after this wowhead article:

See? I told you it’s going to be fast and easy still.

The crazies from earlier:

No! This means they had a plot to make it super hard but our vocal pushback made them reconsider!

See Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming - #3256 by Phenomenon-hydraxis

IT is noticeable. By a lot.

crazy so people running normal to level from 70 to 80 arnt below cap? because by your own definition they are leveling dungeons…

I’m on a 383 Feral Druid I never play… I’m going in.

I’m having no issue on this rogue. I have season 1 DF pvp gear on and shadowlands gear

they just posted examples of it feeling noticeable

Perhaps my meaning wasn’t clear. My first statement was that the original announcement was poorly explained…meaning, they indicated a character ability nerf with very little detail. Now that it has exploded in their face, they ‘walked it back’ by explaining what they’re doing with much greater detail…and they all seem to indicate much less of an impact than expected.

One of Blizzard’s most common failings has always been poor communication…or none.

People that are running normal to level from 70 to 80 are running normals. Normal Difficulty Dungeons

That they happen to also be gaining experience at the time does not make these “leveling dungeons.”

They are Normal dungeons, available at level cap as well, that they just happen to be the only difficulty you can access while leveling does not change this.

I am between unnoticeable and noticeable by a lot. I can still kill elites on my 73 but it takes long and my pet needs healing.

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Dungeons are now even worse to run for levelling, thanks blizz. Guess all the people who didn’t buy EA miss out now huh, and all the people who did get to keep their level 80s…


You were already “undergeared” The game is scaling to meet you in the opposite direction. meaning the battles for you, didn’t change.

High-end geared players are noticing the shift. And its not small. It’s not taking a fight from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. Now its now requiring entire rotations, and going from 2 seconds to upwards of 10.

so is it any dungeon or not because your literally contradicting yourself with your statements

By worse you mean actually having to do the mechanics?! OMG NO!!! lol
Do ya’ll even like playing this game?

No one wants leveling to be harder in any conceivable way. Leveling doesn’t even belong in retail at this point. This is spitting in the face of people who don’t reward excessive greed and malice.

I do, mobs falling over in 1-3 hits ruined my experience leveling in TWW. I’m glad they fixed it. We have enough easy one shot content in this game.

No one wants to give up their entire life to level. All of these events made everyone have 20 alts. The hotfix today should’ve been to make the leveling even easier and give unlimited xp buffs past 25% if you hit your 5th level 80.


lmao drama city right here.

bad guys beware I have acquired a chest piece to replace my 336 ilvl chest. I will not rest until I have liberated the Arathi from the Kobyss!


What is it about official and unofficial titles that you aren’t understanding exactly?

They are Normal Difficulty Dungeons. “Leveling dungeons” is a subjective title used to describe the fact that you are leveling by doing dungeons.

There is, officially, no such thing as a “leveling dungeon” is what I’m saying to you. There are Normals and up.

“Leveling dungeon” is almost dumb for me to even say. It’s like saying that you’re not eating food, you’re eating “growing food” instead, because you are eating the food for the purpose of growing.

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How convenient that you already have 1+ 80.