Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Its really not bad at all lmao. I just replaced my 262 legendary shadowlands cape with a 408 ilvl cape. Killing mobs no problem. zzzzz

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Just built diff

seems unfair too. Had quite a few 480s that I was saving for alts / to sell if I never got around to it - gone. wtf?

Are you sure? This can’t be true!

I have it on the authority of hyperbolic whiners that quest mobs would have raid boss health after this went live!

Also, be careful, someone will call you a Blizzard shill for claiming you can still kill mobs.

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Talk around the EU forums is that maintenance will hopefully fix this today. I guess we’ll see…

Commentaters, we are finally live.

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Blizzard now officially endorsing their long time motto “EXPLOIT EARLY, EXPLOIT OFTEN”

What a surprise. After announcing a poorly explained nerf to character power that had much of the player-base up in arms, they’ve FINALLY deemed it necessary to clarify a ‘walk it back’ policy. Why do I suspect that the increased downtime today is because they had to ease their intended adjustments to avoid further backlash?

Of course you can still kill mobs. That was never being questioned, by some…

But I can tell you, this makes all the gear I worked for in DF… Now meaningless. The legacy of going into an expansion and still feeling somewhat strong is now gone. Entirely. You feel like you’re a level 80 slapping wet noodles onto enemies even though you are geared from the previous expansion. And SHOULD be outgearing the current content until later levels.

Why do you think they walked this back? This sounds like what they said they would do.
Much of the outrage has been players’ interpretation of what the changes could be.

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Walk it back?

You mean they explained exactly what everyone that didn’t lose their mind already knew was going to be the case?

I am now questing in hallowhall on my 350 ilvl rogue. Prepare yourselves


so glad they made leveling ‘fun’ again

We are not prepared!

I’m praying to Lothar for you

Classic blizzard, nerfing the part that’s easy without addressing how absolutely terrible the scaling feels in the high 70s and 80. I guess this is what happens when they make a terrible upgrade system that spans like 100 ilvls at endgame.

They need to walk this change back. Right now. Why do all of my characters need to feel like peasants all the sudden, regardless of their gear level?

“Oop you hit level 80… Yeah enjoy feelling like you can’t do anything anymore.”

“Oop, you’re level 70 with end-game DF equipment… Yeah we need you to feel like your level 80 character too. So it doesnt seem as bad when you finally hit level 80…”


It will be unnoticeable. Like god damn.

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At level 74, logged out in front of a mob that had 349k hp. Logged back in and it now has 535k hp. So a ~53% increase.


Was actually going to play retail. Now I have no intention of playing if the leveling is going to be a tedious obstacle that takes 3x longer than all the people who paid to win. Lost a lot of money trying to reward your pay pigs, Blizzard. Hope the EA gouging was worth it! You lost ALL of your good will with what’s otherwise apparently a decent expac.

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