Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

You remind me of of Jimmy.

You know the outrage is bad when they have to put out a post “clarifying” what they’re doing.

this guy thinks killing quest mobs for story quests is the content.

Well with that said, we got the EA for our 2 sons but we went the normal route. No more EA’s in this house.

I wonder if the giant chunk of XP for completing random LFD has anything to do with it…

Yeah, I can see why this was needed. But it’s a shame, because instead of about 3 days to level at a casual pace, it might take nearly 1/2 a week.

I disagree. 77 is just around the time you start getting rewards that are an upgrade in ilvl from last expac. After 77, you start needing upgrades as the ilvl of the content you are doing at that point comes up to par with your pre-expac ivl. Thusly, you feel “weaker” between 77 and 80 than you did between 70 and 76, solely because you outgeared the 70-76 content by so much.

In before nothing changes and the scaling is still out of whack for 70s in normal leveling dungeons :smiley:

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No, people are taking things out of context and not understanding what they meant and so they said this in their clarification.

Reason number 100+ why Early Access got a power bonus compared to normal release…

Apparently not easy money if they have to do extended maintenance every other day until the season starts.

Older way was better and clear. Your stats devalued for every level you gained and you equipped near gear. There were clear early leveling areas and then you progressed to higher level areas with better gear. WoW is at its core a progression game when talking about end cap IMO!


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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something broke in scaling a few months ago during MOP remix and it was TOO powerful ae couldn’t complete the main storyline .,.

I wonder if they over compansated

I only had an issue with the “digital game” part as it sounded like a strawman argument and a bit gas-light-y. I agree with the rest of what you said. People are free to pursue unusual hobbies and devote ridiculous amounts of time to them. Whether gaming is healthy or socially acceptable is a whole other topic.

In before the threads saying “it took me 25 minutes to kill a yellow critter” even though nothing changed.


Exploit early and often. First in always wins!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Did they just call ilevel 408 powerful?

Because I am Jimmy but sometime I can be Timmy.

Yea there was a 73 hunter in a dungeon doing 2.1 million dps on a single target

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Dont worry yall, Im in game and everything is dying the same.

Post change:

Same ILvl 493 character.
The Nerubian War-weaver standing right outside the entrance you spawn at now has 495k HP. – Whereas yesterday it took two seconds to kill it now has taken an entire rotation. Upwards of 10 seconds.

Same iLvl 337 character:
Same Mob - now has 225 K HP. And took multiple rotations to kill. upwards of 15 seconds.

This feels, absolutely bad. My iLvl 493 character no longer feels like the elite she was yesterday. So much for the legacy of having good gear from the previous expansion means you’re overpowered in the next one during the levleing experience.

Edit: This confirms that all level 70s were affected. Not just those with high end DF equipment, though they will feel it more than undergeared will as they were already feeling it.