Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Time to see how bad this truly is…

Why not? Leveling is the most mundane and pointless part of the game. At this point everyone knows this is a seasonal game built around end game content. Leveling alts is a “chore” people do so that they can have variety in how/who they play at max level. The first character is where we all get our story fix, but after that we just want to be done leveling so we can actually play the game as intended. This is a massive L and a W in no way.

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Time to see how bad it is for my 340 ilvl rogue. Whoo


Is there anywhere I can read about this? I thought I was crazy… I didn’t know more people had it happen

This was the idea though …

Not sure why they they did it but they said before launch that the radiant echoes gear would last you to around 75th or 76th level and I assume the DF mythinc gear was better…

It was a big difference for me from all other launches which forced me to pick my fights till I at least a most of the gear upgraded to quest greens to be able to feel confident again …

I’m currently on my phone under the bed. My keyboard dust has taken over the laptop.

I feel safe here. They can’t find me.


Yea keep telling yourself that buddy. Nobody does dungeons to kill mobs fast. They do not give that much exp.

edit: Quest and do delves if you want to level quick.

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Again it was “so bad” tons of people leveled to 80 on multiple characters playing for hours of two EA days, tell me of the horrible torture they endured?

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Nah, the event was supposed to end, but the gear was intended to remain. But something broke when TWW launched and it didn’t play nice with the warbank, which is something Blizz has to fix now.

You’re so wrong it actually makes me feel embarrassed. It’s called the dungeon completion XP.

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People have been leveling in normal dungeons to level alts for over a decade now. That’s why they are called leveling dungeons.


Things no one asked for, brought to you by devs with too much time on their hands.

why are you guys punishing players for not having early access? thats all that is happening here. hell, i am friends with some guys who couldnt play over the weekend, why are they being punished because real life happens? this change coming on today, and not a hotfix during the early access period is not a good look Blizz.

My condolences.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Here’s a link to the post that explains what happened:

You remind of of Cartman.

They are called Normal difficulty dungeons actually.

“Leveling dungeons” is just any dungeon you run while below cap but it’s an unofficial title that just means “I’m leveling by doing dungeons.”

Solving problems that do not really need to be solved until the season starts IMVHO.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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oh scaling is a huge mistake but guess what… its easy money for them. Just setup some crap algorithms that don’t work right then scale things down so its easy enough for a potato to do then call it good